Project Schedule Modal Overview

Help you to manage the schedule for your projects and ensure that it stays on track and is completed on time

The Project Schedule Modal is a tool that allows you to view, manage, and edit the schedule for your project.

To access the modal, click on the phase icon on any page.

On Planner page

On Project page, small screen

On Project page, big screen

info icon
When the Project only have one default Phase with dates, the button will show dates instead of X Phases

Here's an overview of the functionalities available:

  1. Change Project color

  2. Edit Project information and notifications

    Learn more about Project Info Modal

    Learn more about Project notifications

  3. Add Phases/Subphases or Milestones

  4. Sort Phases and Milestones by title, status, date and workdays

  5. Click and hold the icon with the three horizontal lines to re-arrange the top-level Phases and Milestones.

    warning icon
    This feature is not available for Subphases yet, but we are working on it.
  6. Expand Phase to see all Subphases, Work Categories and Milestones under that Phase

  7. View Phase/Work Category/Milestone activity log

  8. Phase/Work Category/Milestone status

  9. Phase/Work Category/Milestone dates

  10. View total number of workdays, past workdays and baseline workdays

    • 12/27d indicates that 12 days out of a total of 27 workdays have elapsed, and the current date is 6 days less than baseline workdays.

    Learn more about baseline workdays

  11. The three-dot menu for Phase/Subphase/Milestone/Work Category provides options to add or remove these elements, as well as to edit their respective information.

    Learn more about editing Phase information

    Learn more about editing Work Category information

    Learn more about editing Milestone information

    Learn more about deleting Phases

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