Organization Settings - Integrations

This is where you can see your integrated ERP and the syncing status of data to Mosaic.


From your Financial Software or ERP, Mosaic lets you integrate and import people, projects, phases, subphases (work categories on Mosaic) phase fees, and invoices. Limitations are typically around other software, not Mosaic. Contact us or your provider about their API.

Here are some examples of software that we integrate with. From your Project Management software, Mosaic lets you import as new or link existing people, projects, task lists, and tasks.

See full integrations list

Each of the tabs is the data that you can import to Mosaic. For example, on the members tab, you will see people on your ERP that are available to import, people that are already linked to mosaic accounts, any accounts that are archived, and any accounts that are marked as "do not link".

There are some filters here, that might be slightly different on each tab. For members, you can sort members by first or last name. You can select a date range for when the members are created. Click the hide archived button to hide archived accounts.

We're thrilled to introduce Deltek PIM Hosted Integration, offering seamless connection and enhanced data management for your projects.

Data types

Click different tabs to see different data types

  • Members: See Members in your integrated platform, linked to Mosaic, Archived Members and Do not link Members.

  • Clients: See Clients in your integrated platform, linked to Mosaic, Archived Clients and Do not link Clients.

  • Projects: See Projects in your integrated platform, linked to Mosaic, Archived Projects and Do not link Projects.

  • Service Items: These items come over to Mosaic as Work Categories. Also known as activities or labor codes if you have a different integrated platform. See Work Categories in your integrated platform, linked to Mosaic, Archived Work Categories and Do not link Work Categories.

Learn more about Importing/linking data


For each data type, we have filters and search function to help you find what you are looking for easier.


  • Sort by first name or last name

  • Filter by created date

  • Hide/show archived Members


  • Filter by created date

  • Hide/show archived Clients


  • Group by Clients or Mosaic Portfolios

  • Sort by Project name, Project number, New or Old Project

  • Filter by created date

  • Filter by Clients

  • Filter by Link Status:

    • Fully Linked: show Projects that have all phases linked from integrated platform. If Projects don't have phases, they won't show in the results.

    • Unlinked Phases: show Projects that have any number of unlinked phases

    • Main Project Phase: show Projects that have the Project entity linked to the main project phase on mosaic.

  • Hide/show archived Projects

Service Items/Activities/Labor Codes:

  • Hide/show archived Service Items/Activities/Labor Codes

Sync Log

If you are using our integrations, you can easily view integration syncing data with our new overview table.

Click the numbers to see more details

Yellow dot means in progress

Green dot means synced

Red warning icon means not synced

Phase Reference Number on Mosaic Phases aids in quickly identifying and tracking different phases of your projects for easy identification importing and exporting.

Display Unlinked Phases Count Above Project Link Icon

Status Icons with Color Dots to Differentiate Between Updating and Creating Statuses

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