Mosaic Integrations

Integrate your current software with Mosaic

Mosaic currently offers integrations with the following applications:

Integration set up

Setting up an integration from any of these applications generally follows this process:

First Data Review

Your first data review typically happens within the first two weeks after your integration is complete. Your Customer Success Manager will reach out to schedule a time to confirm your integration data is available on Mosaic and the accurate field are populating with the expected format.
We recommend there be one or two members of management team present for this call. Knowledge of the expected integrated data is preferred.

Final Data Review

A second data review is completed on an as needed basis. Your final data review session typically happens within one-two weeks from your first data review. During this review, we will review resolutions to any integration issues raised in the first data review.

Integrating with Mosaic

Once you are ready to start working with Mosaic integrations our Customer Success and Solutions Engineering teams are available to work with you to get your integrations connected, and data flowing.
In addition to receiving the requirements and instructions for your chosen integration(s), you might also be required to:

  • Participate in a screen sharing session with the Solutions Engineering team

  • Share temporary access to a server machine

  • Provide additional details regarding your use of the integrating software
    The integration process varies between software, please speak to your Mosaic rep and check our guides for more details.

How Long Does it Take to get Integrated?

Depending on your chosen integration(s) It may take up to several days to complete an integration.

Please note that all our integrations come with an associated cost. For detailed pricing and options, please consult your customer success manager.

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