How to change status of a Phase, Subphase or Work Category on Project Schedule Modal?

Updating statuses Phases, Subphases or Work Categories of to provide visibility into progress

  1. Click the status button on a Phase, Subphase or Work Category

  2. Select a new status. Options are:

    • Not Started: The Phase has been planned but no work has begun yet.

    • Hold: The Phase is temporarily paused, with no active work being carried out.

    • Active: The Phase is currently in progress, with ongoing work and tasks.

    • Completed: The Phase has been fully finished, with all tasks and objectives achieved.

      error icon
      If you mark a phase as complete, members will be unable to submit timesheets under this phase. However, if you have admin permission, you are still able to manage those timesheets.
  3. The status will update

info icon
A Phase status marked with a blue chip at the top indicates a potential mismatch between the Phase status and its scheduled dates.

For instance, Phase 2 is labelled as "Active" despite the date having passed, or Phase 3 is labelled as "Not Started" even though it falls within its planned date range.

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