How to view Phase, Subphase or Milestone activities and set baseline on Project Schedule Modal?

Activity log on Phases, Subphases and Milestones gives you a better understanding of how the project is progressing

What is Baseline?

The Baseline is the initial number of workdays when you first set the date for the Phase.

When the Phase date changes, we will show the status compared to the Baseline days.

When the number of workdays increases, we show number of workdays in red text.

Hover on the text to see more details in the tooltip.

When the number of workdays decreases, we show number of workdays in green text.

Hover on the text to see more details in the tooltip.

If there's no variance between current workdays and the Baseline, no days will show.

View Phase, Subphase or Milestone activities

  1. Click the clock icon with the date and member initials under the phase name.

  2. A log of changes made to the Phase, Subphase, or Milestone is displayed, including details such as the member's name, date and time of the change, phase dates, and number of workdays. This section provides a comprehensive view of all adjustments to the phase schedule.

    info icon
    If no planned information is populated, it indicates that the member has edited details other than the Phase dates.

Set new Baseline

  1. Click the date under the name of Phase, Subphase or Milestone

  2. The workdays can be set as the baseline by clicking the triangle icon under the desired days.

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