How to create a Rate Group and add Rates?

How to create a Rate Group and add Rates in Org Settings?

Rate groups can only be created by Admins in Organization Settings > Budget > Rates tab.

  1. Navigate to Organizational Settings > Budget tab and then click the Rates tab. Role Rate Groups will be the default tab showing here.

  2. You will only see Rate Groups under the selected currency here and the created Rate Group will be under this currency. Click the currency to change to the currency you want.

    Click the + Rate Group button.

  3. Enter the Rate Group name and click the Done button. Rate Group names are case-sensitive; you can have Rate Groups with the same name in different letter cases in one currency.

    Rate Groups of the same name is allowed in different currencies.

    Note: If there is only a system default Rate Group, this new name will be applied to the system default Rate group first. If you want to create another Rate Group, follow the above steps again. These steps also apply to the Work Category Rate Groups.

Add a Role Rate or a Work Category Rate to Rate Groups

After creating a rate group, you need to add Roles or Work Categories to the rate group and set rates for the project to use. Both Cost Rate and Bill Rate can be set on a Role or Work Category.

  1. In Organizational Settings > Budget > Rates, click the + (plus) button to the right of the name of the Rate Group. A Role or a Work Category can be added to a single Rate Group or to all Rate Groups. Then select the Roles or Work Categories that you want to add.

  2. Click the Set Rate button under the Cost Rate/Hr or the Bill Rate/Hr columns. The Cost or Bill Rates modal for the Role or Work Category will be shown.

    Learn more about cost rates and bill rates.

  3. Click the + Add New Bill Rate button and select a Rate from the list.

  4. A confirmation modal will be presented, providing the option to modify the Rate of the Member either for all current Projects or solely for future Projects.

  5. You will see the updated Cost or Bill Rate starting today and without an end date. Click the Done button.

  6. The Role or Work Category now has a Rate.

    Note: If the Role or Work Category has not been added to a Rate Group or the Rate is not set, that Role or Work Category will have a Rate of zero when the Rate Group is used.

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