Organization Settings - Standard Work Categories

Set up the default Work Category to use within Mosaic

Work Categories allow you to create sub-phases, which can be either billable or non-billable.

  1. Click Add Work Category in the top left of the standard work category page in the admin setting.

  2. Enter the name of the new work category, and configure the toggles for requiring additional description and billable or non-billable.

    Click Create to add the work category.

    Note: If the standard work category has the same name as the existing custom work category, the existing custom work category will be converted to a standard work category.

To archive a work category

Archived Work Categories will no longer show in the list when adding a Work Category to the Phase.

  1. Hove and click on the pencil on the work category

  2. Click the Archive button

  3. Click Yes to confirm.

  4. The work category will show in the Archived section.

To unarchive a Work Category

  1. Scroll to the bottom of your work category list.

  2. Hover and click on the pencil icon.

  3. Click Unarchive

  4. Click Yes

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