Phase Info Modal Overview

Phase Info Modal on Budget Modal

The Phase/Subphase info modal is a valuable tool for managing your Phases. It allows you to keep track of your billing information, set rates, and budget on a more detailed level for your projects.

Where to find Phase Info Modal on Budget Modal?

Click the budget amount on a Phase or Subphase, or click the three-dot and click Edit Phase/Subphase Info to open the info modal

Phase Info

This modal allows adjustments to the following Phase Information:

  • Phase Budget Status: Status for tracking progress of the phase's budget

  • Title: Name of the Phase

  • Parent: Parent of the Phase. If this is showing the project name, which means it's a top-level Phase.

  • Contract Type: Defines how the Phase's billing is structured.

  • Fee: The total amount allocated for the Phase.

  • Budget With: The methods of budgeting on the Phase.

  • Phase Time Tracking

  • Phase Rates: The Rates to use for this Phase. Options are Member Rates, Role Rates, and Work Category Rates.

    • Only shows when Independent Phase Rate is turned on. The Phase will have the same setting as Project Rates if the Independent Phase Rate feature is not turned on.

  • Multiplier: The Rate Multiplier to use for this Phase.

    • Only shows when Independent Phase Rate and Multiplier are both turned on. The Phase will have the same Rate Multiplier number as the Project if the Independent Phase Rate feature is not turned on.

Additionally, the Phase can be deleted by clicking the delete button.

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