Phase Rates

Phase Rates on Phase Info Modal

The Rates to use for this Phase are only shown when Independent Phase Rate is turned on. The Phase will have the same setting as Project Rates if the Independent Phase Rate feature is not turned on.

There are three options for Phase Rates:

  • Member Rates: Default rates set on the individual members.

  • Role Rates: Role rate group

  • Work Category Rates: Work Category rate group

When using Member Rates, it is required to select a Role rate group for unassigned rates.

Learn more about Rate Groups

Learn more about Member Rates

How to set Member Rates on a Phase/Subphases?

  1. Make sure you have the independent phase rate setting turned on on the project

    Learn more about the independent phase rate setting

    Once it's turned on, on the info modal, you can see the Member Rates and Rate multiplier fields.

  2. Click Member Rates to select a new rate to use.

    Note: You can only select the Rate Group that matches the currency project currency. If you want to select Rate Group that is in a different currency you will need to do it on the project level

    Learn more about project currency

  3. Click save.

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