Project Rates

Project Rates on Project Manage Time Settings

This is the Rates used in the Project. The default value utilizes the value specified in the organization setting.

Learn more about organization default budget settings

There are three options for Project Rates

  • Member Rates: Default rates set on the individual members.

  • Role Rates: Role rate group

  • Work Category Rates: Work Category rate group

When using Member Rates, it is required to select a Role rate group for unassigned rates.

Learn more about Rate Groups

Learn more about Member Rates

When using Member Rates, it is required to select a rate group for unassigned roles.

When changing the default Member Rates, you can select Rate Group in any Team Currency. The Project Currency will be updated to match the selected Rate Group.

Click the Manage Rate Group Button to edit Rate Group information on Organization settings > Budget > Rates page

A modal like this will show after selecting the Rate Group. Click confirm to update the Member Rates.

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