Project Currency

Project Currency on Project Manage Time Settings

Tailor your budgeting with precision! Our project-specific currency setting ensures your financial planning aligns perfectly with each project's geographic and economic context, making budget management more accurate and stress-free.

You can change currency on individual projects as well as on the organization level.

Learn more about organization default currency

Click project currency and select a currency that you want to use for this project

Select a new currency for this project.

Note: You can only select Team Currency here, if it's not showing in the list, it can be added in Org settings > Standards > Rates by Admins. If you are an Admin, click on Edit Standard Currencies to go to the page.

When changing the Project currency, we will update the rates on the project to the default rate group in that currency. Click confirm to allow this change.

Note: if independent phase rates setting is enabled, all phases will be updated to match the project currency.

Click Done to close the settings modal.

It may take some time to update and you will see all the budget amounts are showing in the currency that you selected.

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