Project - Info

Information about your project

The Project Info tab provides access to view and edit key Project details. If the Info tab is not visible, click + View button to show it.

info icon
Appropriate permissions are required to perform this action.

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Learn more about default Project views

This section allows viewing and editing of key details, beginning with the Portfolio name, Project name, and a descriptive overview. It also includes fields for the client, Project number for easier tracking and reference. Additionally, more detailed management options are available, such as adjusting the Project's geographical region, associated office location, and operational currency.

How to Add Tags to a Project?

Click Enter Tag

Enter the tag for the Project. Click Done.

The tag will show

How to Change Project Currency?

Click the currency field

Select a new currency for this Project.

info icon
You can only select Team Currency here, if it's not showing in the list, it can be added in Org settings > Standards > Rates by Admins. If you are an Admin, click on Edit Standard Currencies to go to the page.

When changing the Project currency, we will update the rates on the Project to the default rate group in that currency. Click confirm to allow this change.

The rate will update.

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