Managing members of a Project

Add members and Edit members' access

Invite Members to a Project

  1. Click the people avatar in the top right corner of your new project.

  2. Select +Add Member on the top

  3. Select the member you want to add by clicking the + on the right. To find the member faster, you can search the their names.

    Member with a purple light-bulb icon are the members suggested to be added to the project by AI.

    info icon
    The member is not in Mosaic yet? You can click "Invite to Mosaic" to invite the person.

    Learn more about inviting Members

  4. Click "Add" after you selected the members. If you need some suggestions based on the roles, you can use our Team Builder feature.

    Learn more about Team Builder

  5. You will see members show up on the list shortly.

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Members will automatically join a project when a work plan is created or a time entry is submitted.

Assign Different Levels of Access to Team Members

  • Project Manager: Identified by a black dot on their initials.

  • Can Edit: Allows members to view and make changes to the project.

  • View Only: Grants read-only access to the project.

  • Remove from Project: To remove a team member from a project.

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