Timesheets Report

Group, sort, and filter employee time entries in any way to easily understand what’s happening on projects and the detail of how time is being spent.

Timesheets Report Video

The Timesheets report allows you to review and approve or reject time entries by Date, Member, and Project.

The time entries themselves can be viewed by Date, Member, Project, or Activity.

You can also choose the date range you are looking at by clicking on the blue date.

You can also filter which entries are displayed on the report by:

  • People

  • Project

  • Phase

  • Work Category

  • Billable

  • Approval Status (ie. submitted, not submitted)

  • Sync Status (for integrated time entries)

  • Client

  • Duplicate Checker

A summary of time entries is calculated in the top right corner based on the selected date range and selected filters. Displayed are the total hours of time entries, total billable and non-billable hours, and bar graphs to represent the distribution of Unsubmitted, Submitted, and Approved hours.

Add Timesheets

You can add time entries from this report for any user for any project by clicking on the blue plus sign in the top left or the three-dot on the top.

Select Date, ProjectPhase or Subphase and a Work Category. Some Work Category requires description for the Time Entry, otherwise it's optional.

Enter the hours and select billable or not, then click Add.

Note: Work Category is required for a Time Entry to be created. When you enter a Time Entry under a Phase that has tracking time on the Phase Level setting, you need to create a standard Work Category in Organization Settings to use as a default Work Category.

Learn more about standard Work Category

Modifying Timesheets

If you just want to modify single timesheets, you can click on the date, member, project, work category, description, billable, rate, hours, and approve/reject to edit these fields.

Note: Once the Timesheets get approved or rejected, no one can modify them. You need to change the Timesheets to submitted in order to make changes.

You can also select multiple timesheets by clicking on the checkbox and then clicking the blue "Modify" button.

The modify options including:

  • Approve: Approve the selected time entries

  • Submit: Submit the selected time entries

  • Reject: Reject the selected time entries

  • Match Phase/Work Category Billable: Match the billable status of the time entries to the Phase or Work Category

  • Make Billable: Make the selected time entries billable, this is consider overriding the billable status of the time entries

  • Make Non-Billable: Make the selected time entries non-billable, this is consider overriding the billable status of the time entries

  • Reset Rate: Make the rate(s) of the time entries match default project rate

  • Edit Project: Move the selected time entries to a different project

  • Modify Phase: Move the selected time entries to a different Phase

  • Modify Work Category: Move the selected time entries to a different Work Category

  • Modify Date: Change the dates of the selected time entries

  • Delete: Delete the selected time entries

Note: Members won't receive notifications or emails regarding changes to time entry approval status. Approved timesheets cannot be edited again. If you wish to edit the approved timesheets, please change the status to submit first.

Private Project

Work Planners with the following permissions:

  • Work Planner > Can Edit > Projects they are a member of

  • Work Planner > Can Edit > Projects they are a Project Manager of

can only view projects they have access to (either as a member or as a Project Manager). Any Timesheets that they don't have access to, will show as Private Project and cannot be edited or selected using checkboxes.

View by Member

Click on "Members" if you would like to view this report by member rather than by project.

Select the members you'd like to view

  • Click All Members to group Members by Departments, Disciplines, Offices, Portfolios, Roles, Regions, Skills

  • You can filter your members list by clicking on the Filter button in the top left

  • Note: The Role filter considers only the member's Default Role, which are listed on Org settings > Members > All Members tab. For example, if a member has "Editor" as their default role and "Viewer" as a non-default role, the role filter will only show them if "Editor" is selected in the filter options.

When viewing this report by Member, you can also choose to view the time either Weekly or Daily by selecting the appropriate option to the right of the members that you have selected.

  • Weekly will lock date to a weekly range.

  • Daily will allow you to select from a custom range of dates.

On Weekly view, you are able to click the Approve All button to approve the Member's Timesheets of the day.

Note: This only updates the Timesheets that haven't been approved or rejected before and won't override Timesheets that has been rejected.

For Timesheets that have been rejected, click on the red x to manually change the status.

View Filter

  • You can also filter your project list down by people, projects, phase, work category, approval status, client and billable/non-billable.

    • The filter that is applied will show as purple.

  • There is also a duplicate checker option to spot duplicated timesheets quickly.

The Timesheets report can be downloaded if you click the three dots to the right of the report name.


On the Activity tab, you can see which member made changes to the timesheet and when under Activity column on the left and the timesheet details on the right.

Use the date filter on the top to filter for the activity date.

Filtering of the members and projects is completed for ALL REPORTS, and making it easy to  drill down on the data you need. In the coming months you will even be able to save multiple filter settings to access various filter settings instantly!

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