Planned Time Report Export

How to export planned time on a Project, Phase, Work Category or Member?

Exporting planned time is an indispensable part of managing a Project and Team. Accessing detailed information about planned time by Project, Phase, Member, Email, and Work Category is critical in making informed decisions and ensuring the Project's success. In the Planned Time Report, the planned hours of a member, their rates and total hours and currency amount in a project, phase and work category can be exported. Billable and non-billable time is indicated in the exported file to help track the Project's financial performance.

What does it look like?

The file will include the following columns:

  • Project Title: Project name

  • Project Number: Project number

  • Portfolio: Portfolio name

  • Project Client: Project client name

  • Project Profit Center

  • Project Budget Status: Proposal, Active, Hold, Completed

  • Project Budget: Project total budget amount

  • Project Billable: If the project is billable or not

  • Project Currency

  • Project Fee: Project total fee amount


  • Phase: Phase Name

  • Phase Number: Phase number

  • Phase Client

  • Phase Profit Center

  • Status: Not started, Active, Hold, Completed

  • Phase Budget Contract Type: Fixed Fee or Hourly

  • Phase Budget: Number, budget amount of each Phase

  • Phase Fee: Number, fee amount of each Phase

  • Phase Billable: If the phase is billable or not

  • Phase Start Date: Date

  • Phase End Date: Date

  • Subphase Name

  • Subphase Number

    Work Category

  • Work Category: Work Category name

  • Work Category Budget Status: Not started, Active, Hold, Completed

  • Work Category Contract Type: Fixed Fee or Hourly

  • Work Category Budget: Number, budget amount of each Work Category

  • Work Category Billable: If the work category is billable or not

  • Work Category Start Date: Date

  • Work Category End Date: Date


  • Member: Member name

  • Email: Member email

  • Bill Rate ($ / h): Member bill rate

  • Cill Rate ($ / h): Member cost rate

  • Total (h): Total hours under the Phase/Work Category

  • Total ($): Total currency amount under the Phase/Work Category

How to export?

Go to the Reports page and find the Planned Time Report.

Select the date range for the to export. The export feature is only available on the Project view.

Export the planned time report with selected projects into a .xlsx or .csv file by clicking the three-dot icon beside the Filter button and clicking the desired option.

The file will be sent to the email address of the current user once it's ready.

You will see the notification icon with a number on the top right when the file is ready to download. Click the icon to go to notifications page.

On the notifications page, the notification looks like this. Click on the download button to download the file.

The email will look like this. If there is an issue with the Download Exported File button, there is a link at the end of the email that can be copied and pasted into a browser to download the file.

info icon
The export will be processed and made available based on your settings.

Export with filters

To export information on specific Phases, Members, billable or non-billable Projects, use the filter to narrow down the results.

For example, "Sep" is the selected Phase. Only the "Member rate sample project" and "Survey Program 2022" Project have this Phase.

The exported file will contain all Projects that are selected on the Planned Time Report, but the Projects that don't have the "Sep" Phase will only contain Project information.

Sample Export

Download a sample CSV export

Download a sample XLSX export

Recent Updates

March 2024


  • Add currency symbol to columns

    • Project Fee

    • Project Budget

    • Phase Fee

    • Phase Budget

    • Bill Rate

    • Cost Rate

    • Total Bill Rate

    • Total Cost Rate

January 2024


  • Added Project Currency column on csv export

September 2023


  • Updated the column order

  • Renamed

    • "Project Title" to "Project"

    • "Project Number" to "Project Ref#"

    • "Project Status" to "Project Budget Status"

    • "Billable" to "Project Billable"

    • "Phase Number" to "Phase Ref#"

    • "Status" to "Phase Budget Status"

    • "Billable" to "Phase Billable"

    • "Contract Type" to "Phase Contract Type"

    • "Budget" to "Phase Budget"

    • "Status" to "Work Category Budget Status"

    • "Billable" to "Work Category Billable"

    • "Contract Type" to "Work Category Contract Type"

    • "Budget" to "Work Category Budget"

    • "Email" to "Member Email"

  • Removed

    • "Description"

  • Added

    • "Project Profit Center"

    • "Phase Profit Center"

    • "Work Category Ref#"

    • "Bill Rate"

    • "Cost Rate"

    • "Total ($)"

    • Subphase fields

      • "Subphase 1"

      • "Subphase Ref# 1"

      • ...

      • "Subphase 9"

      • "Subphase Ref# 9"

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