See how much time has been planned by Projects, or Members, over any period of time.
Summary Chart
On the top right-hand corner, you will see a summary chart of the total planned hours, as well as a breakdown of work plan hours (orange) and tentative work plan hours (yellow hash).
Click the check box to hide or show hours on both the chart and the report section.
Report Filter
On the top of the page, several options are available for selection:
Select Projects to view
Switch between Currency or Hours view.
Select to view currency by Bill Rate or Cost Rate, with access to the Cost Rate view depending on appropriate permission settings.
Time Period to view: From Today, This Week, Next Week, Next 30 Days, Next 3 Months, All Time or Custom
No Planned: Hide Projects that have no planned hours. In the Currency view, projects with non-zero planned hours but a $0 value will still be shown.
Save: Save the filters for next time.
Project Filters
When selecting projects, use the Filter option in order to drill into specific categories of projects you'd like to see.
View Projects
Click on the caret next to the project name in order to expand and view more granular phase level and member level planned time.
Member View
To view this by member, select the Member tab at the top of the report.
Similar to the Project tab, here are several options
Select Members to view
Switch between Currency or Hours view.
Select to view currency by Bill Rate or Cost Rate, with access to the Cost Rate view depending on appropriate permission settings.
View by opions, including list, bar chart and line graph views.
Time Period to view: From Today, This Week, Next Week, Next 30 Days, Next 3 Months, All Time or Custom
Save: Save the filters for next time.
To view specific members, select the desired members from the list. Filter the members list by clicking on the Filter button in the top left.
Click on "All Members" to group members by categories such as Departments, Disciplines, Offices, Portfolios, Roles, Regions, or Skills. The members list can also be filtered by clicking the Filter button located in the top-left corner.
Member View By
Member data can be viewed in multiple ways, including list, bar chart and line graph view. These options provide clear visual representations of team allocations, making resource planning more efficient and intuitive.
Hovering over a bar or dot reveals the actual number of hours.
Example of a Line Graph
Export Data
Lastly, this report can be exported to CSV or XLS by selecting the three dots at the top of the report. This option is available exclusively in the Project view.
Private Projects
Work Planners with the following permissions:
Work Planner > Can Edit > Projects they are a Member of
Work Planner > Can Edit > Projects they are a Project Manager
can only view Projects and Members in the hours view and only for the Projects they have access to (either as a Member or as a Project Manager).
The same condition also applies to the following Budget Manager permissions, but in currency view only, not hours view:
Budget Manager > Can Edit > Projects they are a Member of
Budget Manager > Can Edit > Projects they are a Project Manager
Projects without access permissions will be consolidated into a single row labeled "Private Projects" with the total count displayed. Bar and number will not be shown for this row.