Work Planners are granted access to the Workload and Planner page to schedule the project phases and work plans of team members. Furthermore, they are authorized to view hours on the project > budget tab and to edit work plan hours, which can influence the hours appearing on the Budget tab. They are not permitted to access personal projects.

"Can edit" and "View only" permissions can be applied to Work Planner.
Note: The View Only and Can Edit options only apply to Work Plans. Other permissions will be controlled by Org Settings > Permissions Settings

Both of these options come with further options of “All Projects”, “Projects they are a member”, “Projects they are a Project Manager”, giving you complete control over which projects you want the Work Planner to focus on.

If you're looking for an organized way to keep track of your work plans, but not accidentally change them, then Work Planners with "view-only" access is the perfect solution. With this access, you can easily view all work plans across all projects or those that you are a part of.
Plus, if you wish to make managing easier, you can select the "Can edit" option and grant editing permission to the Work Planner. With this feature, you can ensure that your work plans are always up-to-date and accurate.
Projects they are a member (View only) permission
Project Page

Work Planners can still access the projects from the Project sidebar, even when they are not a member of that project.
Planner Page
Work Planner


The Work Planner is a member of the Korean project but not the Test New Project, so this person can see only work plans in the Korean project.
When clicking into the work plan, the Work Planner is not permitted to edit, since this is view-only permission.

Workload Page
Work Planner


Sophie Brown is a member of both the Korean project and the Test New Project. As a work Planner that is only a member of the Korean project but not the Test New Project, the person is not able to see Sophie's work plan on Test New Project, but her workload will include all hours of her work plans.
Reports Page
Currently, the "Projects they are a Member" setting will not affect the report; the Work Planner will still be able to view projects which they are not part of in the report.
Workload report, which shows the scheduled work plans for future dates.

Projects they are a Project Manager (View only) permission
Planner Page
Work Planner


The Work Planner is a member of the Member Project but not the Not a member Project, and also a Project Manager in PM Project. As you can see on the screenshot, when the Work Planner tries to select a project, he can only select projects where he is a Project Manager.
When clicking into the work plan, the Work Planner is not permitted to edit, since this is view-only permission.

Workload Page
Work Planner


The Work Planner will only be able to see work plans where he is a Project Manager of, in this example, the PM Project.
Reports Page
Currently, the "Projects they are a Project Manager" setting will not affect the report; the Work Planner will still be able to view projects which they are not part of in the report.
For example, the Workload report below shows all the scheduled work plans for selected members for future dates.

Projects they are a member (Can Edit) permission
All you can view will be the same as - View Only > Projects they are a member permission, but now you can make work plans for the members and edit existing plans.
Projects they are a Project Manager (Can Edit) permission
All you can view will be the same as - View Only > Projects they are a Project Manager permission, but now you can plan for the members of the Project where you are a Project Manager.
You won't be able to edit or create work plans on the Project that you are just a member of.

Project-Level Permissions
On the project level, the members can have "Project Manager", "View Only", and "Can Edit" permissions.
Even if you have the Work Planner with View Only > Projects they are a member permission on the organization level, if the project permission is "Can Edit," you will still be able to edit various aspects of the project, and vice versa. This includes modifying the Project name, description, Project number, Tasks, Phase dates.