Organization Settings - General

Organization Settings allow you to configure general organization's settings.

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Administrators may access the Organization Settings space.

Mosaic’s Organization Settings spaces are located at the bottom-left corner, above your member icon.


Organization Name
You can update your organization's display name in the first field.

Organization Email
Your organization email informs you of the primary email address for the organization.

Change Color
This button highlighted in blue allows you to change the color of your organization's account.

Notification Email

This Toggle decides if your Mosaic account with send out any emails from your Mosaic account. including notifications, weekly work plan summary & activation emails.

Mosaic's Timesheets can be turned off for using your ERP or a third-party Timesheet tool will disable Timesheets. Time-tracking tools can still be used. Disabling Mosaic timesheets will lock Timesheets on the main menu, and remove Time from the Home menu.

Default Work Capacity
Enter the Organization's default Work Capacity for new members. The default can be modified by going to 'Members' on the left menu and then clicking the capacity tab.

Capacity Heatmap Settings

You can control when capacity changes from one color to the next by clicking on Edit.

Full-time Equivalent
Mosaic uses a weekly full-time equivalent hours for understanding demand and hiring requirements.

Work Plan Hrs Display Default

your organization's default hour display when building work plans (This can be overridden by individual users)

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