Scope Request Modal

Scope Request Modal

Click on the Scope Request, Scope Request Modal will open.

Scope Requests can be modified in this view.

Approve Button

Click the approve button to approve this Scope Request. Approved requests will create a scope in the selected Project/Phase/Work Category and the requests will show in the approved tab.

Delete Button

Click the delete button to delete this Scope Request.

error icon
Deleted requests cannot be resorted.

Scope Request Modal Menu

Click the three-dot menu at the top to:

  • Delete Scope Request

Scope Request Modal Comments

Similar to the Work Plan Modal and Work Plan Request, questions or comments may be added to the Scope Request. Members can be mentioned, and files can be attached in the comment.

Learn more about comments

Scope Request Modal Activity

All changes to the Scope Request will be displayed in the activity tab.

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