Comments on Work Plan Modal

Comments on Work Plan Modal

Just like Tasks, you can leave comments and updates on the Work Plan to enhance the overall clarity and efficiency of the project's execution.

How to add an update, comment or ask a question?

  1. On the comments tab of the Work Plan, click Add an update, comment, or ask a question. Type your update, comment or question.

  2. It's also possible to mention someone in the comment to notify that person.

  3. Add an attachment file by clicking the paperclip icon.

  4. When you are ready, just click Post to post your update

How to reply to a comment?

  1. Click reply under the comment that you want to reply to.

  2. Type your reply message. Same as the comment feature, you can also mention someone or attach a file to your reply message.

    Simply click Post when you are done.

Can I edit or delete my comments or updates?

  1. Hover over the comment or update that you want to edit or delete, you will see 2 icons displaying.

    The pen icon allows you to edit your comment, while the trash icon allows you to delete that comment.

  2. To edit the comment, click the pen icon. Then type in the correct message.

    It's also possible to mention someone to notify that person or add an attachment to the reply.

  3. Click save when you are done

  4. To delete a comment, just simply click the trash can icon

    error icon
    Deleted comments and attachments cannot be restored
  5. A confirmation modal will show, click yes.

  6. The comment will disappear

How to delete an attachment in the comment?

  1. Click edit on the comment.

  2. Click X to remove the attachment from the comment.

  3. Click Save to save the changes

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