Import Projects on Portfolio Page

Import Projects directly into the Portfolio

In Org Settings, Admins can import Projects into various Portfolios. Additionally, on the Portfolio page, Projects can be imported directly into the specific Portfolio.

  1. Click three dot on the Portfolio. Then, click Import Projects.

  2. Select the max levels of Phases you have and to include Work Category or not. The default max level is 10; the default is to not show Work Categories.

    info icon
    If Include Work Categories is not selected, the column will not show in the uploader.

  3. Upload your .csv or xlsx file

  4. Once uploaded, match each column from the spreadsheet on the left to the corresponding value on the right.

    Click Next.

  5. Double check the data once more. Click Submit.

  6. A confirmation will show.

    warning icon
    Once uploaded successfully, a upload draft will be created in the Org > Settings. Please contact your Admin to follow the steps here to complete the import.
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