How to edit the effective dates of a Rate in a Rate Group?

How to edit the effective dates of a Rate in a Rate Group in Org Settings?

  1. In Organizational Settings > Budget > Rates, click on the Cost or Bill Rate of the Role or Work Category that you want to edit.

  2. Click either the Start Date or the End Date.

    Note: The End Date "Ongoing" cannot be modified.

  3. Select a new date using the date picker and click the Done button.

  4. A confirmation modal with the changes will be presented. Click the Confirm button.

  5. The updated dates are shown in the Role or Work Category's Cost or Bill Rate modal. Click the Done button.

    Note: In the event that multiple historical Rates are present, any modifications made to the Start or End Date will result in an automatic update to the corresponding dates of adjacent Rates. The changes will be listed in the confirmation modal.

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