How to archive or delete a Rate Group?

How to archive or delete a Rate Group in Org Settings?

You can archive or delete Rate Groups that you don't need any more. This can only be done by Admins.

  1. In Organizational Settings > Budget > Rates, click the three-dot menu for the Rate Group. Click the Archive Rate Group or Delete Rate Group item.

  2. Archived Rate Groups are moved to the bottom of the list of Rate Groups.

    A Rate Group can be archived even when it is used in a Project. The Project will keep its Rate Group Rates.

  3. If deleting a Rate Group, a confirmation modal is shown. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion.

    Note: If your Rate Group is being used by a Project or a Phase, it will be archived.

  4. If the Rate Group is deleted, it is removed from the list of Rate Groups.

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