Integration Sync Log

Integration Sync Log

Integration Sync Log


0:00 - 0:23

In this video, I will provide a brief overview of the integration sync log. To begin, navigate to your integration sync log by clicking on the sync log tab on your integrations page. You will see one row per data type that is supported by the integration. The sync column indicates a number of entities that are currently synchronized between your integrated application and Mosaic.

0:23 - 0:40

The in process column indicates a number of entities that are currently in the process of being synchronized and have been pending for less than 3 days. The pending column indicates a number of entities that have been in the process of syncing for more than 3 days. Some data types allow you to click into them to view additional details.

0:40 - 1:02

Such as time entries. The timesheet sync log provides an expanded overview of all time entries currently synchronized in process or pending. If you have questions or would like to report an issue, feel free to click on the contact support button on the top right. Thank you for watching.


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