Importing Phases

Importing Phases

Importing Phases


0:00 - 0:12

In this video, I will show you how to import and link phases from your integration, make main project a phase, link all phases to QuickBooks project, as well as provide an overview of the various link icons.

0:12 - 0:41

To import a phase from the integrated application navigate to your company's settings and click on the integrations tab on the left. Within the projects tab, click on linked projects. For projects without phases, click on the three-dot menu on the right of the project and select make main project a phase. This will allow you to enter time entries directly on the project and sync time entries on the project between your integrated application and Mosaic.

0:41 - 1:08

The green link icon will indicate when all phases are linked, including when make main project a phase is selected. To reverse this, click on the three-dot menu and select main project is not a phase. To manually import a phase and create a new phase on Mosaic, click on link. A gray link icon will indicate that the import is in progress.

1:08 - 1:38

To link an existing phase between Mosaic and your integrated application, click on the three-dot menu beside the unlinked phase and select link with existing phase. Select the phase that you wish to link and click save. An orange link icon will indicate that the phase is updating.

1:38 - 2:03

For QuickBooks integrations, you also have the ability to link all Mosaic phases to QuickBooks project by clicking on the three dot menu beside the project and selecting link all Mosaic phases. This will send all time entries entered on the Mosaic phases to the QuickBooks project. Here's a quick overview of project link icons.

2:03 - 2:28

A project link icon with green and red indicate that some phases are linked while others are unlinked. A project link icon that is completely red indicate that none of the phases are linked. A project link icon that is completely green indicate are linked. To archive a project click on the, three dot menu beside the project and select archive project on mosaic.

2:28 - 2:41

Lastly, you can go to a project's page by clicking on the three dot menu beside the project and selecting go to project. Thank you for watching.


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