Member Disciplines

Utilize Mosaic's AI to suggest ideal project team members based on their specialized disciplines and expertise

Discipline identifies a member’s professional field or area of specialization, such as engineering or finance, representing their broad expertise. Unlike Skills, which track specific competencies, Discipline defines a member’s overarching domain. Mosaic's AI uses Disciplines to suggest Project Team Members based on their expertise.

Add a new Discipline

  • Click the +Discipline button. Type in the Discipline name. Press enter.

Add Members to Disciplines

  • Expand the Discipline to see members. Click the blue + button to the right of the Discipline name or +Member to add Members to this Discipline. Select the Members to add and click Done.

Modify Discipline

  • The three-dot menu next to the Discipline name provides several options:

    • Edit the Discipline Name

    • Delete the Discipline

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