Viewing Members and Their Workloads

Select the members you want to see utilizing the filters

Selecting and Filtering Members

  1. Click "Select Members" in the top left corner to populate members in your workload space.

  2. Use the checkboxes to select desired members or click "Select All" to view all members.

  3. You can Group the members by Departments, Disciplines, Offices, Portfolios, Roles, Regions, or Skills.

  4. Utilize the filter to narrow down the members. You can filter by Departments, Portfolios, Roles, Disciplines, Offices, Regions, or Skills.

    Note: The Role filter considers only the member's Default Role, which are listed on Org settings > Members > All Members tab. For example, if a member has "Editor" as their default role and "Viewer" as a non-default role, the role filter will only show them if "Editor" is selected in the filter options.

Sorting Members

Once members are selected, you can sort them by first name alphabetically or by availability.

  • Alphabetical Sorting:

    • Members can be sorted alphabetically in either A to Z or Z to A order.

  • Availability Sorting:

    • Availability sorting is available for different time frames:

      • Today

      • This Week

      • Next 2 Weeks

      • Next 4 Weeks

      • Custom: able to select cutom dates

    • For each time frame, members can be sorted based on availability in either High to Low or Low to High order. This allows organizing members by their availability, either starting with those most available or least available.

Member Capacity Heatmap

The heatmap can be customized to show the percentage or hours (planned or available).

Read more about the settings

Hover on the heatmap the breakdown of hours for each category will be displayed. The tooltip will show different information when you view by different intervals.

  • Day View & Week View

    The Member Capacity is not capped. When the planned hours are over the capacity, available hours will be negative.

  • Month, Quarter, & Year View

    Available: Overall available hours. This will be negative if the member is over capacity.

    Available at [X]h Capacity: On some days the member of this interval the member still have available time. You can switch to day view to see which days the member are over capacity and which days the member still have available hours.

  • Summary row

    You can see how many members are overcapacity.

Capacity with Holiday and Time Off

Holiday hours will be excluded from the calculation of a member's capacity percentage.

  • The member's capacity is 40-8 = 32 hours

  • Planned hours include Project Work Plan and Time Off hours.

  • Time Off and remaining capacity percentage will be calculated separately.

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