Completed Tasks Page

View all the tasks that you have completed on one page

On the Home page, Completed widget displays the number of tasks that have been completed today, this week and last week with a percentage comparing this week and last week.

Click the Completed widget to go to the Completed Task page, which looks exactly the same as the My Tasks page, but is set to view only completed tasks.

Learn more about My Task Page

Click Complete button on the top allows you to switch to incomplete Tasks view.

You can see all of the details for the task as well as the date that it was marked completed. If you wish to mark a task as Incomplete, simply uncheck the circle on the left-hand side.

Also, clicking the checkbox to the right of the task allows you to perform additional actions on multiple tasks:

  • Top: Move Tasks to the top of the list

  • Plan: Plan dates for the Tasks

  • Move To: Move Tasks to a different Project

  • Copy To: Copy Tasks to another Project

  • Incomplete: Mark Tasks as incomplete

  • Delete: Delete Tasks

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