Check-In Page

Keep your team up to date on the work that you have been doing on a project.

On the Home page, the check-in widget shows you how many hours you are scheduled for each Project, Phase and Work Category today and the number of total hours.

The hour in black is the hour you have checked-in today, and the hour in gray is the hour that you are scheduled for this project on work plans. Click the widget to go to the Check-in Page.

All of your work plans for the day will have a check-in created on this page. You can use the left and right arrows to change the date, or click on the date to open the calendar and select a different date.

The hours in gray means the hours you have been planned for the day. Click on the blue text on the left side of the planned hours, you can enter the actual hours that you worked and any notes or descriptions of your work.

Click Save to save your changes, or cancel if you change your mind.

How to create a check-in?

Click "+ Project", and select a project and phase to start if your check-in is not on the page already.

How to delete a check-in?

Hover over the check-in, you will see the x button. Click x button.

A confirmation modal will show confirming if you want to delete the check-in. Click Delete on the modal.

How to add updates to Project on check-in page?

On the check-in page, you can hover over the check-in, and press the bubble button.

A modal will open showing all the updates on the Project from the oldest to the newest.

You can type your update, question or comment and post on the Project. Project Members will get a notification on these updates.

How to share my check-in with others?

This feature notifies team members about what you are working on today, including the projects and hours logged. This provides a clear summary of your activities.

  1. Click "Send" on the top.

  1. Click the blue people link to select additional team members to send your update to, then click Done.

  2. The member will receive a notification of your check-in.

  3. Click the notification to see the details.

Time Tracking

To help you get a more accurate hour, we also have the timer feature.

Learn more about timer and time tracking

How to start a timer on Check-in Page?

On the check-in page, you can hover over the check-in, and press the play button to start your check-in timer.

The timer icon turn green indicating there's a timer going.

How to stop a timer?

Once you are done, you can stop the timer by clicking the same play button on the Check-in page again, or the green timer icon on the top right on any pages.

Note: The timer is just a tool to help you track your time, it won't fill out the check-in for you automatically. After you stopped the timer, you still need to manually fill in your hour for that check-in.

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