


0:00- 0:30

Welcome to the team space in Mosaic. As you can see this space is broken down into three tabs all members, departments and org chart. You can add a new member to your Mosaic organization from any of these tabs by clicking on the blue invite member button at the top left hand corner. You can enter in the member's first name, last name, email address, reference number, membership and access level. The all members tab shows you all of your members with your name showing up first in the top left.

0:30 - 1:07

The departments tab breaks down all of your members by departments. Please note a member can be a part of as many departments as you would like. You can add members to departments from here by clicking on the blue plus sign to the right of the department name; and you can remove numbers from departments by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of their profile. The org chart breaks down all of your members visually into an org chart. It is broken down by department and you could add a team member to the org chart by clicking on the blue plus sign at the top or bottom of someone's name.

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You can click into any member's profile by clicking on their name here and this can be done from any of the three tabs. Once you do this, you can see their profile with with all these fields being completely customizable. An overview, which is a summary of all the team members work in Mosaic, which mirrors their home screen. A list of tasks assigned to them, their activity in mosaic and their work schedule, which shows you their daily capacity, holidays, PTO and remote work days.


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