Project Scope Export

How to export project specific scopes, including Members, Rate, Scope estimated hours, Scope estimated dollars, and completed percentage?

The Project Scope Export is a useful feature that enables project managers to extract detailed information about Project Scope and associated costs. The feature includes essential Project information such as Project name, ID, portfolio, client, status and budget amount, as well as a comprehensive list of Project Scopes grouped into Phases and Work Categories.

Each Ccope will contain details such as the Members involved in the Scope, their Rates, the Scope's description, the Scope estimated hours, and estimated dollars, as well as the percentage of completion.

With the Project Scope Export, users can easily assess the Project's overall Scope, track costs, and monitor progress against established timelines. Additionally, users can use the exported data to generate custom reports, share information with stakeholders or clients, or transfer Project data to other software programs for further analysis. Overall, the Project Scope Export is a critical tool for effective Project management and helps ensure Project success.

What does it look like?

The file will include the following fields and columns:


  • Project Title: Project name

  • Project Number: Project number

  • Portfolio: Portfolio name

  • Project Client: Project client name

  • Project Status: Proposal, Active, Hold, Completed

  • Project Budget: Project total budget

  • Billable: True/False, if the project is billable or not


  • Phase: Phase Name

  • Phase Number: Phase number

  • Status: Not started, Active, Hold, Completed

  • Contract Type: Fixed Fee, Hourly, Internal

  • Budget: Number, Budget amount of each phase

  • Billable: True/False, if the phase is billable or not

  • Dates: Planned dates of the phase

Work category

  • Work Category: Work category name

  • Status: Not started, Active, Hold, Completed

  • Contract Type: Fixed Fee, Hourly, Internal

  • Budget: Number, Budget amount of each work category

  • Billable: True/False, if the work category is billable or not

  • Dates: Planned dates of the work category

Scope info

  • Member: Member assigned to the scope

  • Rate: Member's rate

  • Description: Description of the rate

  • Scope (in hour): Estimated hours

  • Scope (in dollar): Estimated cost

  • Completed: Percentage of completion on each member

  • Project Total: Total estimated hours and dollars, total completion percentage

  • Phase Total: Total estimated hours and dollars, total completion percentage

How to export?

Click the Scope tab on the Budget Modal.

Click the three-dot icon next to Scope on the Budget Modal and select the desired Download option.

This modal can be triggered from various spaces in Mosaic by clicking "Budget" or "Edit Budget" button.



Project > Budget tab

An alternative way to get to the Scope tab of the modal is to click Scope on the Project page.

Click Edit Scope.

The Budget Modal will open and bring you directly to the Scope tab.

The file will be sent to the email address of the current user once it's ready.

You will see the notification icon with a number on the top right when the file is ready to download. Click the icon to go to notifications page.

On the notifications page, the notification looks like this. Click on the download button to download the file.

The email will look like this. If there is an issue with the Download Exported File button, there is a link at the end of the email that can be copied and pasted into a browser to download the file.

Note: The download link in the email will expire after 24 hours. If the export needs to be downloaded after the link is expired, repeat the export process.

Sample Export

Download a sample CSV export

Download a sample XLSX export (Coming soon)

Recent Updates

March 2024


  • Add currency symbol to columns

    • Project Budget

    • Phase Budget

    • Scope (Bill)

January 2024


  • Added Project Currency column on csv export

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