Budget Tracking Report Export

How to export budget-related information for a list of Projects, including budgets for the Phases and Members of each Project, spent time, planned time, remaining time, estimated time, spent budget, planned spending, remaining budget, and estimated budget?

Budget export is a useful feature that allows you to export various financial data related to your Projects, such as budgets, spent time, planned time, remaining time, estimated time, spent budget, planned spending, remaining budget, estimated budget, and more. This information can be exported for a list of Projects, for the Phases of a Project, or for the Members of a Project. Additionally, the list of Projects, Phases, or Members that are over budget can be downloaded. With this information, the financial status of Projects can be tracked and informed decisions can be made to ensure success.

What does it look like?

This will be a PDF page that looks exactly the same as the website.

How to export?

Go to report and click Time Budget Tracking report.

Click the three-dot icon next to the Filter button and click Print Page.

Note: If you wish to see more details in the PDF file, expand the Project, Phases and Work Categories as desired before exporting.

The browser will prompt you to save a PDF file of the page. Click save.

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