Project Budget Export

How do I export budget-related information for one Project including budgets for the Phases and Members, spent time, planned time, remaining time, estimated time, spent budget, planned spending, remaining budget, estimated budget?

Exporting budget data can be a useful way to keep track of a project's financial performance. Mosaic allows exporting budget data, including budgets of Phases of a Project, and Members of a Project. Spent time, planned time, remaining time, and estimated time for various aspects of Projects can be exported. In addition, budget data such as spent budget, planned spending, remaining budget, and estimated budget for Projects, Phases, and Members is included in the export. With this information, informed decisions can be made about managing Project finances more effectively.

What does it look like?

The file will include the following columns:


  • Portfolio: Portfolio name.

  • Project: Project name.

  • Project Ref#: Project number or ID.

  • Project Client: Project client name.

  • Project Profit Center: Profit Center of the project, synced from Deltek integration.

  • Project Budget Status: Proposal, Active, Hold, Completed.

  • Project Billable: Yes or No, if the project is billable or not.

  • Project Currency: The currency used by the project.

  • Project Fee: Project total fee amount.

  • Project Planning Time on Phase: Yes or No, if the project budget tracking level is set to Track Time on Phase.

  • Project Independent Phase Rates: Yes or No, if the independent phase rate setting is turned on or not.

  • Project Member Rates: Project rates setting of the project - Member Rates, Role Rates, Work Category Rates.

  • Project Rate Group: The rate group used by the project.

  • Project Bill Rate Multiplier: Bill rate multiplier of the project.

  • Project Cost Rate Multiplier: Cost rate multiplier of the project.


  • Phase: Phase Name.

  • Phase Ref#: Phase number or ID.

  • Phase Client: Client of the phase.

  • Phase Profit Center: Profit Center of the phase, synced from Deltek integration.

  • Phase Budget Status: Not started, Active, Hold, Completed.

  • Phase Billable: Yes or No, if the phase is billable or not.

  • Phase Contract Type: Fixed Fee, Hourly.

  • Phase Fee: Phase total fee amount.

  • Phase Planning Time on Phase: Yes or No, if the phase budget tracking level is set to Track Time on Phase.

  • Phase Member Rates: Phase rates setting of the project - Member Rates, Role Rates, Work Category Rates.

  • Phase Rate Group: The rate group used by the phase.

  • Phase Bill Rate Multiplier: Bill rate multiplier of the phase.

  • Phase Cost Rate Multiplier: Cost rate multiplier of the phase.

  • Phase Start Date: Start date of the phase.

  • Phase End Date: End date of the phase.

Work category

  • Work Category: Work Category name.

  • Work Category Ref#: Work Category number or ID.

  • Work Category Budget Status: Not started, Active, Hold, Completed.

  • Work Category Billable: Yes or No, if the Work Category is billable or not.

  • Work Category Contract Type: Fixed Fee, Hourly.

  • Work Category Fee: fee amount of Work Category.

  • Work Category Bill Rate Multiplier: Bill rate multiplier of the phase.

  • Work Category Cost Rate Multiplier: Cost rate multiplier of the phase.

  • Work Category Start Date: Start date of the Work Category.

  • Work Category End Date: End date of the Work Category.

  • Member: Member name/open role name, Project total, Phase total, Work Category total, All Work Category Members, All Phase Members.

  • Member Email: Email of the Member.

  • Bill Rate: Bill rate of the Member.

  • Cost Rate: Cost rate of the Member.

  • Row Type: Corresponding to the Member column, values can be Project, Phase, Work Category, Member, Phase Member, Work Category Member, Open Role.

  • Budget (h): Budget hours on Phase or Work Category or individual Member.

  • Budget (Bill): The total budgeted amount, calculated using the bill rate, for a Phase, Work Category, or individual Member.

  • Budget (Cost): The total budgeted amount, calculated using cost rate, for a Phase, Work Category, or individual Member.

  • Spent (h): Spent hours on Phase or Work Category or individual Member.

  • Spent (Bill): The actual amount spent, calculated using the member's bill rate, for a Phase, Work Category, or individual Member.

  • Spent (Cost): The actual amount spent, calculated using the member's bill rate, for a Phase, Work Category, or individual Member.

  • Planned (h): Planned hours on Phase or Work Category or individual Member.

  • Planned (Bill): The planned amount, calculated using the member's bill rate, for a Phase, Work Category, or individual Member.

  • Planned (Cost): The planned amount, calculated using the member's cost rate, for a Phase, Work Category, or individual Member.

  • Remaining (h): Remaining hours on Phase or Work Category or individual Member.

  • Remaining (Bill): Remaining amount calculated using Bill rate on Phase or Work Category or individual Member.

  • Remaining (Cost): Remaining amount calculated using Cost rate on Phase or Work Category or individual Member.

  • Subphase 1 - 9: Name of the subphases

  • Subphase Ref# 1 - 9: Number or ID of the subphases

How to export?

Click the three-dot icon in the Budget modal and select the desired Download option.

The file will be sent to the email address of the current user once it's ready.

You will see the notification icon with a number on the top right when the file is ready to download. Click the icon to go to notifications page.

On the notifications page, the notification looks like this. Click on the download button to download the file.

The email will look like this. If there is an issue with the Download Exported File button, there is a link at the end of the email that can be copied and pasted into a browser to download the file.

Note: The download link in the email will expire after 24 hours. If the export needs to be downloaded after the link is expired, repeat the export process.

info icon
The export will be processed and made available based on your settings.

Export with filters

The filters will affect the data in the file that is exported.

For example, if Member 1 is selected on the people filter, the table will only include Phases or Work Categories that this member is in. The same applies to the exported file.

This modal can be triggered from various spaces in Mosaic by clicking "Budget" or "Edit Budget" button.



Project > Budget tab

Sample Export

Download a sample CSV export

Download a sample XLSX export

Recent Updates

Aug 2024

Sample (coming soon)

  • Update Billable column to Yes or No

  • Rename Budget columns to Fee

    • Project Budget

    • Phase Budget

    • Work Category Budget

  • Add Row Type column

  • Add Project Budget Setting columns

    • Project Planning Time on Phase

    • Project Independent Phase Rates

    • Project Member Rates

    • Project Rate Group

    • Project Bill Rate Multiplier

    • Project Cost Rate Multiplier

  • Add Phase Budget Setting columns

    • Phase Planning Time on Phase

    • Phase Member Rates

    • Phase Rate Group

    • Phase Bill Rate Multiplier

    • Phase Cost Rate Multiplier

  • Add Work Category Budget Setting columns

    • Work Category Bill Rate Multiplier

    • Work Category Cost Rate Multiplier

March 2024


  • Add currency symbol to columns

    • Project Budget

    • Phase Budget

    • Budget (Bill)

    • Budget (Cost)

    • Spent (Bill)

    • Spent (Cost)

    • Planned (Bill)

    • Planned (Cost)

    • Remaining (Bill)

    • Remaining (Cost)

January 2024


  • Added Project Currency column on csv export

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