Timesheets Report Export

How to export timesheet entries and related information such as timesheet approval statuses, spent time costs, work by Member, work by Work Category, work by Phase, work by Project, work by date, billable work, non-billable work, work by hours, and work descriptions?

To export timesheet entries and related information, navigate to the Timesheet Report and use the export function. The exported data includes timesheet approval statuses, spent time costs, work by Member, work by Work Category, work by Phase, work by Project, work by date, billable work, non-billable work, work by hours, and work descriptions. By using these export functions, project managers can keep track of the hours spent on different Projects and Tasks, monitor Project progress, and generate reports for billing and invoicing.

What does it look like?

The file will include the following columns:

  • Date: Date of the timesheet

  • Member: Member name

  • Role: Member role

  • Portfolio: Portfolio

  • Project: Project name

  • Project Number: Project number

  • Phase: Phase name

  • Phase Number: Phase number

  • Work Category: Work Category number

  • Work Category Code:

  • Description: Description of the timesheet

  • Hours: Timesheet hours

  • Bill Rate: Rate for timesheet

  • Expense Amount: Total currency amount of the timesheet calculated by Rate*Hours

  • Billable: True/False, billable or not

  • Approval Status: Not Submitted, Submitted, Approved

How to export?

Go to the Reports page and click the Timesheet Report.

Select the date range of the timesheets to export.

Apply filters to refine the timesheet results.

For example, to only export the time entries from Project 1 during the date range of Jan 2023 to Mar 2023, use the project filter and select Project 1 and set the appropriate dates.

Click the three-dot icon next to the Filter button and select the desired type of export.

All timesheets on this page will be exported.

The file will be sent to the email address of the current user once it's ready, as well as a notification in Mosaic, which you can just click on the notification to download the file.

You will see the notification icon with a number on the top right when the file is ready to download. Click the icon to go to notifications page.

On the notifications page, the notification looks like this. Click on the download button to download the file.

The email will look like this. If there is an issue with the Download Exported File button, there is a link at the end of the email that can be copied and pasted into a browser to download the file.

Note: The download link in the email will expire after 24 hours. If the export needs to be downloaded after the link is expired, repeat the export process.

info icon
The export will be processed and made available based on your settings.

Sample Export

Download a sample CSV export

Download a sample XLSX export

Recent Updates

March 2024


  • Add currency symbol to columns

    • Bill Rate

    • Cost Rate

    • Bill Rate Expense

    • Cost Rate Expense

January 2024


  • Added Project Currency column on csv export

September 2023


  • Updated the column order

  • Renamed

    • "Project Number" to "Project Ref#"

    • "Profit Center" to "Phase Profit Center"

    • "Work Category Code" to "Work Category Ref#"

    • "Expense" to "Bill Rate Expense"

  • Removed

    • "Role"

  • Added

    • "Member Email"

    • "Project Client"

    • "Project Profit Center"

    • "Phase Ref#"

    • "Cost Rate"

    • "Cost Rate Expense"

    • Subphase fields

      • "Subphase 1"

      • "Subphase Ref# 1"

      • ...

      • "Subphase 9"

      • "Subphase Ref# 9"

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