Portfolio Projects Export

How do I get a comprehensive list of Project information, including Project summaries, Members, priorities, status, stage, Project number, Client, progress, description, name, and the latest updates?

Exporting Portfolios is a common task for project managers who need to keep track of Project information outside of their project management system. To download a list of Projects in a Portfolio, navigate to the Portfolio and use the CSV or Excel export function. The file will also include a list of Members of the Projects, Project names, Project summaries, Project priorities, Project statuses, Project stages, Project numbers, Clients, progress, descriptions, and the latest Project updates. With the export function, project managers can quickly generate reports and track project information with ease.

What does it look like?

These are the columns that are available for export:

  • Project Name: Name of the project

  • Project Description: Description of the project

  • Tasks: Number of total tasks and overdue tasks

  • Updates: Latest update on the project

  • Progress: Number of completed tasks and total tasks

  • Notes: Number of notes

  • Client: Project Client

  • Project Number: Project number

  • Members: All members in this project

  • Status: Project status, default statuses are On Schedule, Off Schedule, Behind; can be customized

  • Stage: Project Stage, default stages are Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3; can be customized

  • Priority: Project priority - Low, Medium, High

How to export?

Go to the Portfolios page. Click the three-dot icon beside the Portfolio name and select either "download to .xlsx" or "download to .csv" to export all the Projects in this Portfolio.

info icon
If you are viewing Active Projects, the exported file should only contains Active Projects and vice versa.

The file will be sent to the email address of the current user after it's ready.

You will see the notification icon with a number on the top right when the file is ready to download. Click the icon to go to notifications page.

On the notifications page, the notification looks like this. Click on the download button to download the file.

The email will look like this. If there is an issue with the Download Exported File button, there is a link at the end of the email that can be copied and pasted into a browser to download the file.

Note: The download link in the email will expire after 24 hours. If the export needs to be downloaded after the link is expired, repeat the export process.

info icon
The export will be processed and made available based on your settings.

Export with customized columns

The columns in the exported file can be customized by clicking the + button on the right top of the table and selecting the shown columns.

All columns that are shown on this page will be exported in the same order as the page.

Sample Export

Download a sample CSV export

Download a sample XLSX export

Recent Updates

September 2023


  • Updated the column order

  • Renamed

    • "Project Name" to "Project"

    • "Project Number" to "Project Ref#"

    • "Client" to "Project Client"

    • "Status" to "Project Status"

    • "Members" to "Project Members"

    • "Notes" to "Project Notes"

    • "Updates" to "Project Updates"

    • "Progress" to "Project Tasks Progress"

  • Added

    • "Portfolio"

    • "Project Schedule Start"

    • "Proejct Schedule End"

    • "Project Priority"

    • "Project Stage"

    • "Complete Tasks"

    • "Incomplete Tasks"

    • "Overdue Tasks"

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