Dashboard Space

The Dashboards space allows you to create a reports view based of your personal or team's specifications.

The Dashboards space allows you to create a mini report views that can be shared with members of your team.

Here are all the available widgets:

  • Workload Summary: Give you a summary of Workload of the selected Member during selected date range.

  • Workload: Give you a summary of Workload of the selected Member for this week and next week.

  • Utilization Summary: Give you a summary of utilization of the selected Member during selected date range.

  • Utilization Last 2 Weeks: Give you a summary of utilization of the selected Member for this week and next week.

  • Utilization Bar Chart: Give you a summary of utilization of the selected Member during selected date range in a bar chart.

  • Org Utilization Graph: Give you an overview of utilization of the whole organization during selected period in a graph.

  • Org Utilization: Give you an overview of utilization of the whole organization during selected period in a bar chart.

  • Timesheet: Give you an overview of timesheets for selected Member for this week and next week.

  • Timesheets Entered: Give you an overview of entered and not entered timesheets for selected Member for for last 4 weeks.

  • Timesheets Submitted: Give you an overview of submitted / unsubmitted / not entered timesheets for selected Member for last 4 weeks.

  • Timesheets Approved: Give you an overview of approved / unapproved timesheets for selected Member for last 4 weeks.

  • Budget Tracking: Give you an overview of budget information for selected Phases/Subphases (Maximum 20 Phases/Subphases).

To create a dashboard:

  1. Click on Create

  2. Enter a name for your dashboard, description (optional), and any members you would like to share this dashboard with. Select done to continue.

  3. Next, add reports to your dashboard via the "+ Add Widget"

  4. Select which widget you would like to display from the expanded menu. There are multiple widgets avaiable each displaying different reports in different views. Select Add to continue.

  5. Customize your widget by applying filters based on which you would like to display. Once updated, select Create to finalize the widget.

  6. Your new widget will then appear in your dashboard space!

  7. Continue this process to add multiple widgets to your dashboard.

  8. To remove a widget, click on the three dots in the top right corner of the widget.

You can have multiple dashboards at a time, and select between them via the dropdown arrow next to your currently selected dashboard.

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