Profit Margins Report

Track profit margin on projects & phases by bill & cost rates to understand where you win and lose.

Profit Margins Report Video

The Profit Margins Report provides a visual summary of the profitability of projects.

Select entire Portfolios by clicking Select Projects button. Projects can be grouped by Portfolios, Projects, or All Members.

Use the checkbox next to Portfolios to select all projects within a portfolio or the checkbox next to individual projects for viewing.

Use the Filter option in order to drill into specific categories of projects you'd like to see.

The report display can also be filtered by:

  • Phase breakdown or the entire project

  • Currency vs. percentage

  • Only projects with a budget set

On group by Project view, you expand a project you are able to see the phases breakdown of profitability.

The fee profit of a phase is calculated as the fee of the phase minus the amount spent.

The budget profit of a phase is calculated as the budget of the phase minus the amount spent.

The fee profit and budget profit of a project are the sums of the profits from all phases. Profit and/or loss for the project can be identified by the bar color:

  • Red indicates a loss.

  • Green indicates a profit.

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