How to unarchive a Phase or Subphase on Budget Modal?

How to unarchive a Phase or Subphase on Budget Modal?

Restoring an archived Phase allows it to become active and accessible within the Project Schedule again.

  1. Archived Phases and Subphases will display a red archive icon on the status tag.

    • A single diamond icon indicates a Phase.

    • A double diamond icon indicates a Phase with Subphases.

  2. Click the three-dot on the archived Phase. Click the Unarchive on the menu.

  3. The Phase will be unarchived. If a Phase contains Subphases, unarchiving the Phase will not unarchive the Subphases within that Phase.

    info icon
    Unarchiving a Phase or Subphase will not automatically unarchive any Subphases within it. However, all Members assigned to the Phase will be automatically restored upon unarchiving.

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