Updating Project Phase Statuses

Phase statuses in projcts

Project phases can be updated on Mosaic to both open and closed statuses. Open phases can be used for project planning, work plans and time entries, whereas closed phases are locked to updates. To update the status of a project phase:

  1. Navigate to the Project page

  2. Select the Budget view (Note: you may need to adjust the 3 line menu to view the Budget)

  3. Within Budget, Select 'Edit Budget', and next select the 3 dot menu next to the phase who's status you'd like to update. Select "Edit Phase Info".

  4. Within Phase Info, select the dropdown in the top right corner to select the Phase status. Avaiable statuses are Not Started, Hold, Active, Completed.

    Not Started and Active are open phases meaning that work plans and time entries can be added to these phases. Phase dates changes are permitted to Not Started and Active phases.

    Hold and Completed are closed phases meaning that work plans and time entries cannot be added to these phases. Phase dates changes are not permitted on these phases.

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