Scope Requests

Creating and Approving Scope Requests

How to create a Scope Request?

  1. On Scope tab, click + Request on the top left of the modal.

  2. Fill out the Request information.

    • Scope Title: Name of the scope. Only the Scope name is required for creating the Request.

    • Notes: Notes related to the scope.

    • Attachments: Files to be attached.

    • Requested Dates: Dates associated with the scope.

    • Project: Project, phase, or work category (if applicable) related to this scope.

    • Approver: The individual authorized to approve the request.

    • Assigned: Members to whom this scope is assigned. Unlike Work Plans, Scopes and Scope Requests can be assigned to multiple Members.

  3. Click Save once finished.

  4. A new Request will be created.

How to approve a Scope Request?

  1. Click the Request

  2. Click approve button

  3. Change to approved tab to see approved Scope Request

    Check the Project to make sure the Scope is created

Bulk Actions

Select the Requests by clicking the checkbox to:

  • Approve the request

  • Copy the request

  • Delete the request

Additionally, there is an option to select all requests or clear selected requests.

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