Work Plan Requests

Creating and Approving Work Plan Requests

How to create a Work Plan Request?

  1. Click + Request on the top left of the modal.

  2. In the pop-up, choose a project and select either an assignee or a role to which this work plan will be assigned.

    • Project: Project, phase, or work category (if applicable) related to this Work Plan. Required for creating the Work Plan Request.

    • Request Notes: Notes related to the Work Plan.

    • Requested Dates: Dates associated with the Work Plan.

    • Est. Hrs.: Estimated total hours of the Work Plan.

    • Priority: Priority of the Work Plan Request.

    • Approver: The individual authorized to approve the request.

    • Role: An Open Role to which this work plan will be assigned.

    • Assigned To: A member to which this work plan will be assigned.

      *Either an assignee or a role is required for creating the Work Plan Request.

  3. Click Create on the top when finished.

  4. The new request will show on the table

How to approve a Work Plan request?

  1. Click the request

  2. If the request is assigned to an Open Role, a Member must be selected before the request can be approved.

  3. Click Approve

  4. A Work Plan modal will appear, allowing modifications to the information before creating the Work Plan.

    info icon
    If the request includes requested dates and estimated hours, it will populate on the Work Plan as Work Plan dates and total hours automatically

Bulk Actions

Select the Requests by clicking the checkbox to:

  • Copy the request

  • Delete the request

Additionally, there is an option to select all requests or clear selected requests.

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