How to update a Member Bill Rate?

How to update a Member Bill Rate in Organization Settings?

Has the Rate of your Member changed? You can easily update their Bill Rate.

Case 1: Edit an existing Rate

  1. In Organization Settings > Members > Rate, click on the Bill Rate of the Member that you want to edit.

  2. Click on the Bill Rate amount or the description of the Bill Rate.

  3. You will see a list of Standard Bill Rates.

    • If none of the Rates are correct, you can click the Edit Standard Rate button at the bottom of the modal.

      From here, you can edit the existing Standard Bill Rates to fit your needs or create a new Standard Bill Rate.

      Note: Editing an existing Standard Bill Rate will affect all its users.

  4. Select the new Standard Bill Rate for this Member. A confirmation modal will be presented, providing the option to modify the Rate of the Member either for all current Projects or solely for future Projects.

  5. If the Rate change is applied to all projects, a modal will appear, indicating that the update will take some time to complete. Click the Okay button.

  6. You will see the updated Bill Rate. The Start and End Dates will not change.

Case 2: Add an additional Rate

  1. In Organization Settings > Members > Rate, click on the Bill Rate of the Member that you want to edit.

  2. Click the + Add New button.

  3. You will see a list of the Standard Bill Rates. Select a Bill Rate.

  4. A confirmation modal will be presented, providing the option to modify the Rate of the Member either for all current Projects or solely for future Projects.

  5. If the Rate change is applied to all projects, a modal will appear, indicating that the update will take some time to complete. Click the Okay button.

  6. You will see the additional Bill Rate. The Start Date defaults to today, but you can modify the date as described in the section above.

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