


Welcome to Mosaic's Planner space, your comprehensive resource for managing project deliverables, phase and milestone timelines, and team member assignments. In this space, our goal is to optimize your resource allocation project by project. Let's explore mastering the planner space with ease and efficiency.


In the top left, select the projects you wish to explore. You can select an entire portfolio or search for specific projects by project name or number. Alternatively, use our filters to populate projects by specific project properties, such as client project, project phase, or unassigned roles, to name a few. Once you have your desired projects, click done to populate your planner.


The settings toggle above your selected projects will allow you to change your personal display preferences for your planner view, such as setting your work plan hours, work plan hour locking, and default weekly planning preferences. Utilize the sort function to sort your projects by title, project number, phase date, or projects with active work plans. You can also import work plans or download your selected projects into a CSV by selecting the three dots above your selected projects.


Moving down the list of selected projects, in the upper right corner of each project, you'll see a diamond symbol with a number next to it. Click this to view each phase and milestone in your project. Phases with a double diamond under them mean that the phase has sub-phases nested underneath. You can click the caret next to the phase to expand and view. In this view, select the date range on each phase.


If you'd like to set up dependencies, click Add Dependency to easily set timeline dependencies that will update your phases automatically when a phase date is changed. For this one, we'll set up a dependency that the start of the phase matches the preliminary design's end. Hit done to add the dependency, and hit done to complete your dependency. You can view your dependency by noting the bracket before the start date of your sub-phase.


Additionally, within this module, we can add a phase or a milestone. First, we'll add a milestone. You can think of a milestone in Mosaic as a singular due date. For example, we're going to add a project deliverable as a milestone to this project. We're going to hit Add Milestone, scroll down, and we'll be able to see that milestone indicated by the teardrop to the left, and then we can plan that milestone's due date. For this one, we'll make it August 8.


Milestones can also have dependencies set up on them. So if we want to set up a dependency where the milestone is blocking another phase from starting, or it's waiting for another phase to complete, we could do that within here. If you have an integration set up, your phases will come over automatically from your ERP. If you do not, you can add a phase within this module. We're going to hit Add, and this time we're going to add a phase. We can select from our list of standard phases, or we could add a custom phase here. Once the phase is added, we could go in and adjust the status and the date range of that phase.


Budget managers and admins can view a project's budget by clicking the Budget button underneath the project's name. This is where you'll be able to set up budgets by phase, add scopes to projects, assign members to those scopes, add billing, invoices, and estimates, and track progress in project completion by goals and profitability. Scroll to the right to view each phase of the project as it aligns with your scheduled phase dates. You can drag and drop to update its scheduled date range, and if you have dependencies set up, the sequential phases will adjust to the change in schedule.


If your projects have a budget associated with them, a thin colored line will appear above each phase. If you hover over it, you'll see a display of your job's to-date, spent, planned, and remaining time for that phase, including red hash lines if you're over budget. To start building out a member's time for a project, click the caret next to the project name. In this view, we'll see any work plans previously built in the workload space. Simply click Add Members to add specific individuals from your organization, or add an unassigned role to allocate spaces for roles not yet assigned to a specific member. This flexibility allows you to tailor project staffing as your plans evolve.


Once you have your member selected, click on a white box to the right of the name and select the blue plus sign to start creating a work plan. Select the project phase under the project name, then assign time as allotted by percentage of the member's day, hours per week or day, or total hours allocated to the project. Select the start and end date for the plan by selecting the date range and make a work plan dependent on the phase dates by selecting the brackets on either side of the date range. Marking the work plan as tentative will display the work plan in perforated outlines rather than a solid line. Hit Create in the upper right corner to see the work plan added to your project and the member's capacity adjust to quickly view the availability of your team members while planning a project.


Select View Member Availability. This helps in effective resource management and ensures that team members are not overloaded with work. Customize your planner view by adjusting today, week, month, quarter, or yearly view, and adjust the row height so you can either expand or zoom out to see additional members included in your project. Additional display settings can be found here, and make sure to select the blue Save button when you're finalizing your customizations.


So that you will see this view. For your planner each time you access.

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