

To find a project's homepage, in the top left, click Projects. Then in the search bar, you can type in the project name or number to find the project you're looking for. Once you find it, you can go ahead and click on your project, and that'll navigate you over to the project's homepage. The first tab you have is Notes. This is where you can add any notes for your project. Clicking on New Note, title your note, and clicking into the next field. This is where you can enter all of your note details. You can go ahead and click the X once done, and that'll save your note. All notes created display here. If you would like to add any tags to your notes, you can do that by clicking into a note's title. Using the pound symbol allows you to create a tag.

0:45 - 2:10
Now, if I wanted to see all notes that have to do with meetings, I can click on Meetings over on the left, and it will populate all of those notes. The next tab is Schedule. This will show you all of your phases, milestones, as well as any tasks for this specific project. Over on the right-hand side, you can view this in a weekly view, monthly, quarterly, or even yearly. Over on the left-hand side, you have a few different views. If you'd like to see all of your phases or make any modifications, you can click on Phases. Here you have your tasks, so if you'd like to see all of your unplanned tasks over on the right, this displays all of your tasks that currently do not have a date or date range assigned to them, and then you have Group By.

If you'd like to group your tasks by list, by member, priority, or phase, you can do that here. The next tab is your Budget. This section here will show you a high-level overview of your project's budget health, displaying your spent time in lime green (that's time entries), your planned hours in yellow (which are work plans from today moving forward), and your remaining in light green. If you see any red hash lines, for example, design development here, I can see that I am over budget for this specific phase. You can always expand each of these phases if you have work categories for them to see the details of each and each member. Members with budget access or admins can click Edit Budget here to go into the detailed budget.

2:11 - 2:56
Tasks allow you to assign and prioritize project tasks so everyone knows who's doing what and what they need to do next. Think of tasks as to-do lists for your team members that they can mark complete as they finish them. An important note is that tasks do not affect a member's capacity. However, they can be added to a work plan, which does. To add a task, go to your project's homepage. You'll be navigated directly to the task page. Here you can click on Add Task, and you can type in the title for your task. Next, over on the right-hand side, if you'd like to add any additional information, you can click on the post-it note and type your additional notes here.

2:57 - 5:42
Next, you can either leave your task unassigned for now, or if you know who should be working on it, you can click on Assign Task. Here you can assign it to one member or, clicking on Assign to Multiple, this allows you to assign it to more than one member. Once you have your task assigned, next you can plan your task. This allows you to do either a single date or, if you'd like to set it for a range, you can click Set Range. Or, if you'd like to add a dependency, making this task dependent on another, you can always click on Add Dependency. So I could say the start of this task is dependent on the end of Coordinate Filing Approvals. That way, if Coordinate Filing Approvals gets pushed back, the dates of work on drawings will be updated as well. I'll go ahead and click Done.

Next, you can assign a status for your task, and then you can also assign the phase that it should be in. You're able to give your task a time estimate, and you're also able to assign a priority level. If you are not seeing any of these additional columns, in the top right, you can click on the plus symbol, and this is where you can click on Show to add any of those additional columns to your view. In your task titles, you're also able to enter in tags. Think of tags as a way to categorize your tasks into different subsections. For example, if I wanted to add a tag on Work on Drawings, I can enter the pound symbol, allowing you to create a new tag. And then I can enter in Drawings. Now, at the top of your screen, if I click on Filter, I can click on Tag, click Done, and then if I click on Tag again and enter the word Drawings, now I can see all tasks that have that tag on them.

If you need to rearrange any of your tasks or move them into a different phase, over on the left-hand side, clicking on the three lines, this allows you to drag and drop tasks into a different order. Over on the right-hand side of your tasks, you have a select box. Here, I'm able to select individual tasks or I can select all. Over on the right-hand side, I can plan them, move them to a different project, or copy them over to a different project. When you have one specific task selected, you are also able to mark that task as complete or delete that task. Next to the select box, you have a play button.

This allows you to start a timer, which allows you to start working on this task without having to track how long you've been working on it. In the top right-hand corner, I can see my play button now has turned green, letting me know that the timer is on. If I click on that, I can start to see that my task is being timed. You can come back when you're ready and click Stop Timer, and this will tell you how long you've been working on this task. If the timer is stopped before five minutes have been tracked, it would not display the time. However, you can see here my task now has been tracking for 1 minute.

5:43 - 7:09
At the top, you also have additional filters if you'd like to filter your task list by assigner, assignee, phase, work category, tag, or seeing only your tasks that are unassigned or assigned. You can also view either your incomplete tasks, your completed tasks, or all tasks. You also have the option to view your tasks in list form or by phase. The phase view will populate all of your phases from your project schedule, and based on the phase column being filled out over on the right-hand side, you can view your tasks by phase.

Or, if you'd like to view it by list, you can create lists in the top left-hand corner of your screen by clicking on New List. I could have a list that's Survey, moving my survey tasks into that task list. And now, because my survey task is also in the phase Schematic Design, I essentially have two different ways I can view my tasks, either the list view or the phase view. Info is next. This shows you high-level info about your project. All of these fields can be updated in this section. Over on the right, you can always add members directly from your member section.

7:10 - 9:19
And lastly is Scope. Very similar to the budget space, you can view high-level percentages of completion for each of your phases. However, you do have to be a budget manager or admin to go into the details of Scope as this lives in the budget section. If you aren't seeing any of these tabs displayed on your homepage, click on the calendar icon next to Scope, and this is where you can show or hide the tabs you would like to see. Over on the left-hand side, using the three lines, you can rearrange the order that you see your tabs in.

Next to the project name, you'll see an eye. This allows you to go straight to the project info, where you can update the status of your project, if it's billable or non-billable, and if you would like to change the notification settings. In the bottom left, this is where you can also archive a project. If you'd like to favorite a project, clicking on the star icon allows you to favorite a project, your personal notifications for this project, and then next to the bell icon, you'll see three dots. If I click on that, this is where, again, I can edit project info, add or edit members, select the project color, download the project into CSV or an Excel file, clone the project to a new project or an existing one, and you can archive or completely delete the project.

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