Team Builder

Team Builder

Team Builder


0:00 - 0:34

Building project teams just got easier with our new team builder. Using the team builder is the fastest and easiest way to assemble project teams. Using machine learning, it accesses your members' roles, skills, availability and more to help you find the right people for your projects. To access the team builder, we'll go into the planner space and in the top right you'll see the team builder button. We can go ahead and click on that and now on the left hand side I'm able to click on the current project that's selected.

0:34 - 1:00

To select the project that I want to start building a team for, you do also have your project filters, just like on the planner space here. If you're already working on a project, I can scroll down to the bottom of my current member list and if I click into add member, I also can get to the team builder from here.

1:00 - 1:30

Selecting it from the project drop-down will allow your team builder to open with your project already selected in the top left. I'll go ahead and select the project that I want to start building out. I'm able to add in those unassigned roles. so I'll go ahead and add senior architect, a senior designer, as well as a project manager.

1:30 - 2:03

I'll click add. Clicking on one of our newly added roles. I will go ahead and be able to start adding what phases this project manager is going to be assigned to. So in the top row here, I can click into add phase and I'll select Deployment, as well as Build. Now to the right of deployment here, I can see the plan dates those are coming from the schedule dates.

2:03 - 2:34

The dates required field is where we can update the date range for when we actually need the project manager, if it's not the same dates as the phases. So say you only need the project manager for half of the phase, this is where we can update that. Next to that we have our budget hours. So for this project manager, if you know that you're going to need a budget of 20 hours for this member, this also will come into account when we're looking at the best matches.

2:34 - 3:01

You can expand on the left hand side of a member's name to see why they would be a strong match. To the right of a member's name, you'll also be able to see their availability. So for this time frame we're able to see how many available hours they have and their full capacity. Once you've decided which member of your team is going to be filling this project manager role we can click on the plus symbol and then we have two different options.

3:01 - 3:28

We're able to assign phase hours to this member or we can assign to multiple phases. So if I wanted Jim to be in deployment, as well as taking on that build project manager position, I can do that here. And lastly the three dots all the way to the right, I'm able to see their member profile or view them in the org chart.

3:28 - 4:02

Now taking a look at that senior designer role, say that there are some additional requirements that we want to add. When looking at the best fit for this specific role, I can go ahead and click add requirement now here we're able to add specific skills. So say I needed a senior designer that was Adobe Creative Suite expert, I can go ahead and add that in here and then I also wanted them to be in the region of the East Coast. This will now also help us filter down into showing us our strongest matches.

4:02 - 4:28

On the right hand side, I can expand my project team to see all of my phases and any members of your organization that have already been added to this project. And lastly, in the top, you'll see a button for your budget this will navigate you directly to your project's budget, allowing you to reference it when needed.


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