Member Management

Member Management



0:00 - 0:30

In the Members section, you'll see 11 different tabs across the top. First is "All Members". In this section, you'll have a list of all your members. You'll see their email address, their current access level. This also is where you can activate their account. Clicking on "Resend Invite" will allow them to receive an email with an activation link to set up their account. If there is a member that you need to archive that has not set up their account yet, you can always click on "Cancel Invite", and that will archive that member.

0:30 - 1:04

Next, you have their default role. If you need to add or modify a member's default role, you can click on the role for that member. Here, I would click 'Add New', and all roles that you have set up in your standards would populate. To select the role for the member, and lastly, you have an email notification toggle. This allows you to decide which members of your team should and should not receive email notifications. Next is the Department. Departments are a way to filter staff on spaces in Mosaic, including the workload space and in reports.

1:04 - 1:30

Staff are able to be assigned to more than one department. To add additional departments in the top left, you can click "Plus Department", name your department, click enter, and now your department has been set up. To add members of your team to this department, we'll click on the plus to the right of the department name and select the members needed. Once you've selected all of your members, you can go ahead and click "Add", and you have your team set up.

1:30 - 2:04

If you need to modify the name or delete a department, the three dots to the left of a department name. You can edit the name, archive the department, or delete the department. Next is Roles. This is where you can add roles to members of your team. This is not the same as setting up their default role; however, when adding a member to additional roles here, this allows the AI functionality to populate the best members. Clicking "Plus Roles", you can add an additional role here, and then clicking on the plus next to the role. This is where you're able to add in all of the members needed.

2:04 - 2:38

Then click 'Add' once you've selected all of your members. Again, in this role section, you are able to have members in multiple roles. Next is going to be the rate section. This is where you're able to set each of your members with their default Bill rate and their default cost rate. To set a member's default cost rate, we would click on "Set Rate", click "Add New Cost Rate", and then enter in their yearly salary, how many hours per year.

2:38 - 3:06

If you would like to factor in overhead, you can always click on the pencil here and fill out your total expense, as well as total direct payroll. What will populate is your estimated total hourly cost, and then in the field below that, you would enter in the number above, or if you've added on any additional calculations, you can enter that number here. Click 'Save' once you're done, and then click 'Done'. Now Betty's cost rate has been set up.

3:06 - 3:28

Next to that, we'll go ahead and set up her bill rate. We'll go ahead and click 'Set Rate', click 'Add New'. All of your standard bill rates will be populated to select from. If you're not seeing the rate that you need, you can go ahead and click 'Edit Standard Rate'. To learn more about setting up standards, take a look at our standards video. I'll go ahead and select a bill rate for this member.

3:28 - 4:00

Here, you have the option to set this bill for only new projects moving forward or if you'd like to set it for all projects, future and previous, that Betty is a member of. So I'll go ahead and select yes apply to all and then click ok. And done Now Betty has her cost rate as well as her bill rate set up. In the top right you do also have your organization budget tracking. Here you have the option of setting your budget to bill rate or cost rate.

4:00 - 4:31

The other option you have is if you'd like to set a percentage of budget for all of your fees you can always make that modification here. Next is PTO. All the way to the right of a member's name you're able to set their PTO policy. Clicking on set policy, add new, then you're able to select the desired PTO policy. If you're not seeing the policy that you need, click into edit standard PTO policies to add additional policies. I'll go ahead and select US PTO policy.

4:31 - 5:02

Click done and now that member's policy has been set up. Next is capacity. Here you're able to set your members capacity of hours per day. If you have a standard capacity that you've set up and would like to assign to a member, you can click on the left-hand side under the capacity policy column and assign one of your given policies here; or you can always make a custom work capacity. Just by clicking into a member's workday boxes. I were to click in on Tuesday to make modifications for just a specific member.

5:02 - 5:31

You could click in here, and click create and now I have Benjamin for four hours of capacity each day. Next is skills. Skills can be used to track and manage the proficiency of staff. Examples of skills include software tools people management as well as project experience. To add an additional skill, click into add skill in the top left, type the name of that skill, press enter. And then using the plus to the right of that skill, you can add the members needed and then click add in the top right.

5:31 - 6:06

Once you have your members added in the right hand column, this is where you can assign each member's skill level. I can now modify whether they're a beginner, familiar, intermediate, high or expert. Next we have location. In this section you're able to assign each member with their main work address. Filling out this portion is helpful when locations are used for proximity-based project requirements. Clicking on add address I can go ahead and assign a member to a work address if you've set up offices already you could select one of those offices or you can go ahead and just type in a custom work address.

6:06 - 6:29

Next is region. Regions is a great way to filter staff on spaces in Mosaic including the workload space. To add, click plus region. Once we have our region we can go ahead and click the plus symbol to the right, select our members here, click add and now we have our region set up with its members. Next is office. In the top left you can add offices, typing in the office's name and address and clicking create.

6:29 - 6:59

Once you have your offices, you can click on the plus next to that office to add members. You can also use office to filter your members on the workload space. And lastly you have discipline; not only can you use disciplines to help filter down members of your team, this will also be used in the AI functionality when it comes to the team builder space. To add a discipline in the top left we'll click plus discipline, name your discipline. Clicking on the plus to the right of that discipline you can go ahead and add in your members.


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