


0:00 - 0:32

Your organization standards is where you can set up default lists to use within your Mosaic account. The first section within the standards is phases. This allows you to create a standard list of default phases that are available to be added to projects, such as schematic design, construction administration, and so on. To add phases to your list, in the top left, click "add phase," type in the new phase here, and click "create." In the bottom right, continue this process until your list is complete.

0:32 - 1:02

Next is milestones, just like the phases tab, this allows you to create a default list of milestones that can be added to projects. In the top left, click "add milestone," then click "create." Continue this process until your list is complete. Next is work categories, this is where you're able to create your sub-phases, whether they be billable or scrolling down,I can see my work categories that are non-billable.

1:02 - 1:32

In the top left, clicking "add work category". I'll go ahead and enter the name of my new work category. You have two different toggles you can turn on or off: require additional description, whether you'd like your members to be required to enter a description when entering time within Mosaic, and if this work category is billable or non-billable. Once you've made your edits here, you can click "create."

1:32 - 2:10

If you need to edit or archive a work category, clicking on the pencil to the right of a work category allows you to archive it or make any changes needed. Next is roles. Here, you're able to create your standard list of roles for your organization. These roles can be used to assign to members as their default role and unassigned roles when creating projects. To add a new role, click in the top left "add role", type in the new role, and click "add."

2:10 - 2:43

Next is rates. Here, you're able to enter in your bill rates that can be assigned to a member or an unassigned role. In the top left, click "add rate", type in the rate amount, then click "add." Continue this process until your list is complete. Next is PTO. Here, you can create your PTO policies that you can then assign to members of your team.

2:43 - 3:11

Clicking into "add PTO policy" in the top left, you can type in the amount of hours a policy is allotted, enter a description for this policy, and then decide if this policy is going to accrue time over the course of the year. Once you have all of your details filled out, go ahead and click "add". Next is capacity.

3:11 - 3:40

This is where you can create capacity policies and then assign them to members of your team. In the top left, click "add capacity policy," name your policy, and then clicking into the dates here, we can enter in how many hours of capacity this member will have a day. Once you're ready, you can go ahead and click "create."

3:40 - 4:03

Next is holidays. This is where you can create your standard list of holidays for your organization. Clicking on the plus holiday, I can title the holiday, enter the date of that holiday, and then click "create." All of your members will be marked as off for this given day.

4:03 - 4:22

And lastly, projects. This is where you're able to decide the default view for new projects in the project management space. To the left of the tab, you can rearrange them as needed, as well as turn any tabs on or off that you'd like to see.


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