


0:00 - 0:33

The admin panel is where you'll start to set up your organization settings. The first section you will open is General in the top left hand corner. This is where you can change the color of your organization. Next to that, you'll see the name of your organization which you can update as needed. The notification email toggle allows you to decide if your Mosaic account will send out emails to members of your team. These emails include weekly work plan summaries as well as activation emails. Next, you can enable or disable your timesheets. Mosaic's timesheets can be turned off especially if you're using an ERP or third-party timesheet tool.

0:33 - 0:54

You would want to disable your members from being able to enter time manually on Mosaic. The default work capacity allows you to enter your organization's default work capacity. All new members created will take on this capacity. To update the default work capacity, you can click into any of these days and just change the number of hours.

0:54 - 1:23

Next is your capacity heat map settings. You can control what capacity percentage edges change the color of your heat map from one color to the next. To modify, you can click into edit, select the colors you would like your heat map to default to allowing you to reverse the colors or if you'd like to change the percentages of each stage. You can click into edit percentage, make any changes you need to, or if you'd like to restore the system default you can always click restore at the bottom. Once you've made your edits, you can go ahead and click done.

1:23 - 2:00

Next is the full-time equivalent. Mosaic uses a weekly full-time equivalent of hours when understanding demand and hiring requirements. To edit the amount of hours, you can simply click into that field and update as needed. Lastly, is your work plan hours display default. Your organization's default hour display when building work plans. This can be changed individually by any of your members in their workload settings. This is just setting up the default for any new members. Click on the drop-down and update your hours display to be total hours, available hours or percentage of capacity.

2:00 - 2:26

Members. In the members section you'll see 11 different tabs across the top. First is all members, in this section you'll have a list of all of your members. You'll see their email address, their current access level. This also is where you can activate their account. Clicking on the resend invite will allow them to receive an email with an activation link. If there is a member that you need to archive that has not set up their account yet, you can always click on cancel invite and that will archive that member.

2:26 - 3:03

Next you have their default role. If you need to add or modify a member's default role, you can

click on the role for that member. Here I would click add new and all roles that you have set up in your standards would populate to select the role for the member. And lastly you have an email

notification toggle. This allows you to decide which members of your team should and should not receive email notifications. Next is Department. Departments are a way to filter staff on spaces in Mosaic including the workload space and in reports. Staff are able to be assigned to more than one departments.

3:03 - 3:29

Click plus department, name your department, click enter. To add members of your team to this department, we will click on the plus to the right of the department name and select the members needed. Once you've selected all of your members you can go ahead and click add. The three dots to the left of a department name. You can edit the name archive the department or delete the department. Next is roles this is where you can add roles to members of your team.

3:29 - 4:01

This is not the same as setting up their default role, however. When adding a member to additional roles, clicking plus roles and then clicking on the plus next to the role add in all of the members needed, then click add. Once you've selected all of your members you are able to have members in multiple roles. Next is going to be the rate section. This is where you're able to set each of your members with their default bill rate and their default cost rate. To set a member's default cost rate, we would click on set rate.

4:01 - 4:34

Click add new cost rate and then enter in their yearly salary how many hours per year if you would like to factor in overhead, you can always click on the pencil here and fill out your total expense, as well as total direct payroll. You would enter in the number above or if you've added on any additional calculations you can enter in that number here. Click save once you're done and then click done. Next to that we'll go ahead and set up her bill rate we'll go ahead and click set rate, click add new. All of your standard bill rates will be populated to select from.

4:34 - 5:00

If you're not seeing the rate that you need, you can go ahead and click edit standard rate to learn more about setting up standards, take a look at our standards video. I'll go ahead and select a bill rate for this member. You have the option to set this bill rate for only new projects moving forward or all projects future and previous and then click ok and done.

5:00 - 5:29

In the top right you do also have your organization budget tracking. Here you have the option of setting your budgets to bill rate or cost rate. If you'd like to set a percentage of budget for all of your fees, you can always make that modification here. Next is PTO. All the way to the right of a member's name you're able to set their PTO policy. Clicking on set policy, add new, then you're able to select the desired PTO policy. I'll go ahead and select US PTO policy.

5:29 - 6:03

Click done. Next is capacity. Here you're able to set your members capacity of hours per day. If you have a standard capacity that you've set up and would like to assign to a member, you can click on the left-hand side under the capacity policy column and assign one of your given policies here; or you can always make a custom work capacity. Just by clicking into a member's workday boxes. I were to click in on Tuesday to make modifications for just a specific member. You could click in here, and click create. Next is skills.

6:03 - 6:31

Skills can be used to track and manage the proficiency of staff. Click into add skill in the top left. Pick the name of that skill, press enter; and then using the plus to the right of that skill, you

can add the members needed. And then click add in the top right, once you have your members added in the right hand column. This is where you can assign each member's skill level whether they're a beginner, familiar, intermediate, high or expert. Next we have location. In this section you're able to assign each member with their main work address.

6:31 - 7:03

Filling out this portion is helpful when locations are used for proximity-based project requirements. Clicking on "Add address", I can go ahead and assign a member to a work address. If you've set up offices already, you could select one of those offices; or you can go ahead and

just type in a custom work address. Next is region. Regions is a great way to filter staff on spaces in Mosaic. To add, plus region, once we have our region we can go ahead and click the plus symbol

to the right, select our members here click add.

7:03 - 7:34

And now we have our region set up with its members. Next is office in the top left you can add offices. Typing in the office's name and address and clicking create. You can click on the plus next to that office to add members. And lastly you have discipline, not only can you use disciplines to help filter down members of your team; this will also be used in the AI functionality. To add a discipline, in the top left we'll click plus discipline, name your discipline. Clicking on the plus to the right of that discipline you can go ahead and add in your members.

7:34 - 8:01

Permissions. Permission settings give you greater control of what each member can do and can't do within Mosaic versus the members tab. This section allows you to decide the access of each individual member. Each member will default as the lowest access level, which is a base member. To modify a member's access level, you can click to the right hand side of their current level. This will populate a drop down here, where you're able to decide which access level you'd like them to have.

8:01 - 8:36

A base member is the lowest level. They have access to all public projects and their home space so they can see their work plans, all of their tasks that have been assigned to them and so on. Next is a work planner they have access to everything a base member does, but this also includes access to the workload space and the planner space. You do have the option to give them an access level of either view only or edit. Next is the budget manager. They have all of the access of a work planner, however they also have access to the budgets and the report space. Again you do have the option to assign them to view budgets or they can edit the budget space.

8:36 - 9:00

Next is Administration access. This access level gives a member access to every space in Mosaic including the organization settings that we're currently in, as well as any reports that have to do with cost rate. For reference, if you do have an integration set up, the organization settings is where the integration space lives and lastly you can archive a member.

9:00 - 9:34

Next you'll see a tab for org access. This is where you can make modifications to which roles have access to specific features in your Mosaic account. To edit any of the following, in the top right you can click edit. Expand on the topic you'd like to make changes on and from here you can make

the modifications that you'd like. Once you have your desired selections you can go ahead and in the top right click save. The next tab is project access. This is where you can make modifications

to which roles have access to specific functionality within a project.

9:34 - 10:01

Click edit, expand down on the topic you'd like to make modifications on and click save. Once you're done budget looking at the default budget tracking on the drop down. You can decide if you want to track your budgets in currency or in hours. Hours only is the recommended option for teams who don't bill time and want to track budgets based on our spent hours planned and hours remaining. You have the option to select the default currency.

10:01 - 10:27

And lastly you have your default time cost tracking, meaning the rates applied when a member is entering in time. You have the option to select: member rates, meaning the individual default rate assigned to that member; role rates, entering the bill rate based on the member's role; or work category rates, rates being assigned to a time entry based on what work category is entered

into their timesheet

10:27 - 11:00

Timesheet. To upload time entries, click upload in the top left hand corner. You can go ahead and click upload and then you would select your file here from your computer. To learn more about

our import tool in more detail, scroll down to our import video. Underneath upload time entries you're also able to decide your members timesheet properties. Clicking on the blue text to the right of their name you can decide whether your members will manually enter time or if you'd like to use past plan time from work plans to automatically fill out their timesheet.

11:00 - 11:30

If you do have an integration connected you would also be able to select timesheets from your

integration. Portfolios. The portfolio section will display all of your archived portfolios, you're able to unarchive a portfolio or completely delete a portfolio. Standards. To review the standards jump to the video dedicated to this space. Security. In this section, you can enable multi-factor authentication whether it be an authenticator app, SMS text message or single sign-on using the member preferred option.

11:30 - 11:59

Click next, once you have your preferred method selected. Once your MFA has been created you can disable of edit if needed. Import. In the top right, we'll go ahead and click on "Add import" and on this first drop down we'll decide what data we want to import. For today's example we'll go ahead and just import some members. We'll click on upload. Here you're able to select the file from your computer so we'll go ahead and click browse files.

11:59 - 12:31

Here you'll want to "select the top left corner over your table begins". So normally it's usually going to be A1, you'll see all of the columns highlight here in purple and we can go ahead and click continue. The green check mark in the bottom right hand corner of each column is letting us know that there are no errors to look at here. In the top right, we'll go ahead and click continue.

12:31 - 13:00

We have one more chance to confirm all of your data looks accurate once you're ready you can go ahead and click submit. And submit data. It'll confirm how many rows were uploaded how many rows were skipped, as well as the rows in the file. We can go ahead and click done or we can upload another file. Back on the import logs home page, I can go through and see draft imports.

13:00 - 13:31

I can see any import still processing and I can see all imports that have been completed. so if I scroll down here, I can see that my import has been completed with two members added into my Mosaic account. You can also filter this down and see a specific time frame by clicking onto all dates and clicking on custom. And then you also can filter down so if you want to see only data import activity for work plans.

13:31 - 14:01

I can click data type. Clicking onto data type. I can click on work plans. And now if I go to completed or drafting, I can see all of the activity just for work plans here; and as for the two members that I imported into Mosaic, I can go ahead and click into members and see Andrew and Anthony both have been added to my Mosaic account. Back on the import logs home page, I can go through and see draft imports.

14:01 - 14:34

I can see any import still processing and I can see all imports that have been completed so if I scroll down here. I can see that my import has been completed with two members added into my Mosaic account. You can also filter this down and see a specific time frame by clicking onto all dates and clicking on custom. And then you also can filter down, so if you want to see only data import activity for work plans I can click data type.

14:34 - 15:00

Clicking onto data type I can click on work plans. And now if I go to completed or drafting, I can see all of the activity just for work plans here; and as for the two members that I imported into Mosaic, I can go ahead and click into members and see Andrew and Anthony both have been added to my Mosaic account.


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