Check Ins Report

Check Ins Report


0:00 - 0:29

The check-in report allows you to monitor what your members are currently working on in real time. It's a powerful communication tool that ensures people are working on what's important. In the top left, you can select the members that you'd like to view So currently, I have seven members selected. You can select individual members by selecting the check box to the left of their name. You can select all members in the top left by clicking all, or you have your filters just like on the workload space.

0:29 - 1:01

so if I click into all members in the top left you can filter your members down by departments, portfolios, roles and so on. Once you have your members selected we'll go ahead and click done. In the top left you also can view which date that you'd like to view. So we're going to look at today's date January 3rd, 2023. Now each member that I selected will show up on a card. This will show you all of their work plans for this given day. Each member will populate with their own card.

1:01 - 1:32

So here I can see Charlotte was assigned to Kendall Jackson Barlow project under the default phase. On the right hand side, Charlotte has checked in 1.8 hours total. I can also see two hours estimated based on her work plan for that given day. She also had a work plan for Jack London Market. Again she checked in 4.5 hours where the estimated hours based on the work plan for today were four.

1:32 - 1:43

If your members do decide to add in a description, you would see that below the phase. So I can see Charlotte finished revising sketches during her time. You can always click on a member's card to see the details here.


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