Spent Time Report

Spent Time Report


0:00 - 0:28

The spend time report allows you to see how much time has been spent on individual projects. This report can be viewed by project or by member. To select the project you'd like to view, in the top left, you can click on projects. Here you can select an entire portfolio by clicking to the left of it or you can expand a portfolio by clicking on it and selecting individual projects inside that portfolio.

0:28 - 0:56

You also have your filters, just like on the planner space. So if you'd like to filter down projects by client, by open roles, phase status and so on, you can do that here as well. Once you have your project selected, we'll go ahead and click done. Next you can select the time frame you'd like to view this report for. So currently we're looking at all time, but if you'd like to filter it down to look at last month, last week or even a custom time frame, you can do that here.

0:56 - 1:12

Next if you would like to hide any projects that currently don't have spent time on them, you can hide them by clicking on no spent and lastly the floppy disk allows you to save this current view; so next time that you come into the spent report, this is the view that would be shown.

1:12 - 1:37

Now that I have my projects here, I can hover over this first one, 220 West 14th Street. Hovering over the green line there, I can see my organization has spent a total of 10,857 hours in spent time. Expanding on the left hand side of that project, I can view each phase and on the right hand side again, I have the total amount of spent hours for each.

1:37 - 2:01

If your project does have phases, you can use the caret to the left of the project name to expand your project and view the total allocation of spent time broken down by phase. So here I can see schematic design had a total of 6,057 hours and design development had 4,800 hours. In the top right you also can toggle to view it in hours or in dollars. And then you also have your sort by spent time.

2:01 - 2:36

Clicking on the spent header in the top right hand corner, I also can decide how I want to sort my projects here; whether I want it to be the most spent time to lease or the least to most. You also can view this report by member. So if I click into member right under the spent time title, now I can view each member their total spent time on the right hand side and then I can expand a member's name to see which projects are making up that time. I also can expand down again if those projects do have phases to see the allocation for each phase.


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